SOLVED - read for how to fix! Disqus has utterly scrambled itself and isn't working on Team Discussion boards especially

…and well, everywhere right now.

Cover pages, you name it. Nuisance though on the volunteer level is the fact we can’t communicate properly, it’s showing random, jumbled old posts and won’t show the new ones.

argh. I have already put in a ticket - and it seems to be site-wide.


It takes forever to find the comments you were looking for T.T

I noticed Disqus reverted to “Sort by Best” for me. Have you checked that the discussions are set to “Sort by Newest”?


And that is exactly the problem. :slight_smile:

I have just sent out messages to two Teams most affected by this problem and we’re going to back up and running. Nice way to run a railroad as usual, sigh. Disqus…seriously?

If I didn’t need it to communicate with Teams, I’d turn that silly thing off!

THANK YOU, Mazza. :slight_smile: Naturally I have credited you for this saving piece of information as none of us caught this one and were relying heavily on the poor chat box!



I’m glad it worked!! :slight_smile:

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@mazza can you explain how to do it? I’m new and I don’t know where to look :sweat_smile:

Hi everyone,

Thank you for writing in. It looks like Disqus settings may have been inadvertently changed. I have reverted the settings back to “Sort by Newest.” We appreciate you bringing this to our attention!

Viki Community Team

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thank you so much! :slight_smile:

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