Spi Realm completed?

Hi guys,
is Spirealm already completely available? I just see 38 episodes - but there should be 78 somehow available?
Or are the 78 somehow shorter?
I do not see any counter for upcoming releases.

It might have 78 episodes on another platform, but in that case, the episodes on Viki will indeed be longer.


Spirealm has finished segmenting. Shorter episodes were grouped into 38 episodes.


They combined the episodes on Viki. Original format was 78 episodes of 20 min. each. Viki combined episodes to 38 episodes of 43 minutes each. The drama is complete.


I just finished the show last night - it was really great. Loved it.
The ending not so much - hoped it would be not so depressing and a bit sad in a way.
But it was a somehow convincing ending. I would have liked a bit more scifi/fantasy ending without the “accident” thing. It is how it is though…