Spreading hate under hidden profiles

Don’t you find it sus that are users that are just complaining and spreading hate and then you go check on their profiles and are hidden?

Asking for a friend

Maybe they are secondary accounts, who only use them to attack others but do not know who they are.

Nope. Primary account with a long history.


Flag those accounts and write to Help Center.

By the way: here you find absolutely Amazing people, pure gems, but also those that act out of envy, competition; they hate when people directly state the truth and facts about them or simply because they have an evil heart while disguised as angels - and even receive many support while bullying others!

I saw it happening here in the past, so the golden rule is:

The less interaction, the less comments, the less justifying yourself (your friend in this case) the better. Just do our very best and shine as the Sun we are, spreading our rays warming others while being gentle and fair, but strong. We have to set our boundaries. It’s all we need :v:


so is not sus, just regular behavior… that’s even sadder… but unsurprising I guess, given how toxic this community is

I think that this is what I hate the most, people hiding under their"religion" and all that, pretending to be righteous but just acting plain nasty

Thanks for the tips


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I don’t find the whole community toxic, just a few individuals. But I don’t do anything very important in this community. So it’s easy for me to not step on too many toes.

What you could do is to “ignore” an unwanted user - hide all their responses automatically. Of course, that means that the posts will still be there for the next person to read them. It doesn’t resolve the problem for the community, but it makes life easier for you personally.

If you’d like to put someone on the Ignore list, you go to your Discussions profile > Users tab > Add button > copy paste the username.


You’re absolutely right: The whole community is mostly non-toxic! Thank Heaven! ^^


Also without the religion thing, believe me. Acting cute and charismatic, playing coy, telling convincing lies and so on… believe me. Amongst them there’s variety. Thankfully, they are not in large number here and people notice who is who through time :+1:

You’re welcome regarding my tips :cherry_blossom:

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By looking at the profiles here in Discussion that some (like myself) choose to keep it hidden you can’t find out much about that person, but if you go to their profile page unless they wrote in the ‘‘about me’’ personal stuff about themselves; you won’t get much information either.

Like @_lyla2 so wisely wrote; you can find many gems in here, but sadly those that may see you/us/we, as a competition (based on the great skills you/we may have) they will become your bully with other bullies joining in while playing they are the ones being ‘‘attacked,’’ when the only victim here are those that have these group of people constantly ‘‘ganging up’’ (attacking) on them, and skillfully blocking them from doing any kind of volunteer work here at RViki. I don’t know if that’s what you are facing here too at RViki, but many of us do.

I think that this is what I hate the most, people hiding under their"religion" and all that, pretending to be righteous but just acting plain nasty

People can’t hide under their religion because if they really believe in GOD, (like I believe in GOD) they know HE will punish me/them for their/our wrongdoing. I also believe HE will punish people that do bad/unfair things to people that don’t wish harm on anyone.
On the other hand, is not a good thing to be judging others unless we/you really have both side of the story, and not only one side of the story.

My grandmother died at 90 years old, and was a very wise woman. She always told me: Be careful who you choose to be called your friends.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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I think that this is what I hate the most, people hiding under their"religion” and all that, pretending to be righteous but just acting plain nasty
People can’t hide under their religion because if they really believe in GOD, (like I believe in GOD) they know HE will punish me/them for their/our wrongdoing. I also believe HE will punish people that do bad/unfair things to people that don’t wish harm on anyone."

Just a side note:

Dear ones,

For what I’ve lived and saw: God does not punish anyone, people punish themselves by naively thinking they will always remain unscathed no matter what they do.

HE made everything So Perfect that there are some tiny little laws people think they can outsmart them: the law of getting back what you give, some calling it karma - it’s one of those laws.

So, I saw how an evil tyrannic person, trying to steal other people’s neighboring lands, lost everything when a certain President got to rise to power, his land was invaded and they built a big guetto in his property!!

That’s divine justice. We don’t even need to lift a finger. They fall for themselves.

By the way, before the invasion, his family fell apart by troubles and divorce and other situations, so: Never harm the innocent ones.

In conclusion, neither luxury nor money can shield anyone from paying their debts, even when nobody else notices it.
Most of evil people life on a façade just to not allow others to know the price they pay. Thank God for making The Universe so Fair :hibiscus:

May all of us be always blessed with a free heart!

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We are the temple of GOD that is why what we give, we get in return; if we do evil, evil things come back to us. If we do good, good things come back to us. Since GOD is in us, when we do wrong things in HIS TEMPLE, we get punished, and that is why I say We get punished by HIM; bc when we do bad things to others, the same way we receive blessings from HIM from the good things we do to others, we will receive divine justice from the bad things we do to others.

As we can see from all the terrible things going on all over the world; if this evil continues to grow, man himself, is going to end up destroying this world, and every living thing in it. The Hate like cancer destroys every Good cell in the/our body, and it is all this hate that like a cancer is eating/destroying the good that was instilled in all of us the body/the temple of GOD because we are not putting up the good fight. Man is hating more, and not loving one another enough like they should.

Thank you for spreading the Peace and love. Blessings to you and all your family.

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Thank you So Much for your blessings and implicit good wishes! They are appreciated :sparkling_heart:

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