The grim and uncertain future of segmenters and Portuguese volunteers community

Hi, darlings.

Thank god it’s not just me who has been going through it, I mean… actually that’s pretty sucks!! Although I’m not here for that long, I think I can speak for myself.
First of all, “:money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:” - money. Is that a way to encourage volunteering? We are getting paid to be fooled? I see many volunteers who spend like 18 f*cking hours to get this editing thing done, or worst… to get this terrible pre-subbed thing right (it includes to erase everything and start from zero). What on earth!
I decided to give up on watching dramas here, it’s been like… 1 month already. I say this as a viewer who has been watching in this platform through a friend’s account like 5-6 years before I start mine! It doesn’t make any sense to me a sentence like: “We’ll see you soon” - turn out in Portuguese - “No futuro eu te comprarei um carro” ???¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ What that **** is that? Sorry… I can’t anymore.
Second, I entered here on July or something, since then, I took 1 month and a half to start in a project subbing and it wasn’t a cool project, I must say it. It doesn’t match to my profile, to my style, that’s what I mean; but I still wanted to help. And guess what? The project was pre-subbed and it was VIKI Pass kkkkkkkk. What a sick joke. I’m pretty tired of trying to understand VIKI’s plan. One day you’re told that you’re very welcome to work on here and suddenly, you’re told that the dramas are already pre-subbed, your help is not needed and stuff like that… Tell me something… will I be requested here in the future? Tell me this, 'cause I prefer to let it all out and doesn’t come back instead of waste my time with a thing that just make hard on me.
Third, I saw like… 10 projects with the same person as a “Portuguese Moderator” that actually just do the job of an editor😑. Is there any rule that provide for this?? Well… all I see is an editor, not a moderator. But that’s not the point, what I mean is… the same person in 10 different projects, getting time from god knows where and taking the opportunity of others to help or show that they’re capable.
I feel like the alley is getting tight and only those in front will stay, that’s it kkkkkkk. It doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad, clever or dumb (with all due respect).

That’s it… I’m still here just observing everything and waiting for the time that everyone already knows. I feel disappointed since I entered to the volunteering thing on VIKI just this year. #nomorePTonviki - I just feel like VIKI created this tag and post it in somewhere, someone may find it! I’ll try to find it, hold on…


At this time, I think the transition was happening. The initial “new rules” were starting to form by Viki which hindered the new English subbers.

This… again I ask why the website doesn’t put in a big and bold banner that volunteers are wanted and needed. That this is a volunteer website. Most new “subscribers” don’t even know we were initially a volunteer-powered community. They don’t put a push out for English volunteers. This is the hardest community because the English volunteers HAVE to be fluent in the drama’s language. So finding fluent Korean to English, Chinese to English, Thai to English (the hardest), and Japanese to English is such a pain. The ones we used to have, they are now gone.

I want to mention skybluebluie_281. She is/was the best Chinese subber we had on Viki. I mean… she was THE one you wanted on your team. If you had her on your team, you could breathe easy because your drama was going to sparkle and be spectacular. The stress of being pretty much the best Chinese TE pushed her out. She did the final drama and just disappeared off the face of the Viki planet. And Viki’s English TEs (I mean the paid ones that we don’t see) are okay but by no means perfect. And the English TE volunteers are crossovers from subbing. Some are NOT at the level we want, but they are all we have left. As Viki closes its doors on the community and pushes out subbers and editors, the diamonds like Janice (skybluebluie) will never appear on Viki. If they do appear, how do they get those precious segments/subs when we have no subbing allowed to get their QC to help? Viki has stopped the cycle for new volunteers and is putting pressure on us oldies to keep trudging nonstop until we turn into another Janice and just leave without a goodbye.


I agree to a point. This is part of the problem… Viki is now telling us to stop using GE and TEs and to release. Or do one sweep via the language moderator. Most of the dramas I see, especially in Korean, are subbed so well, that the moderator just has to fix the formatting and it’s ready. So you can’t really blame the moderator, but the new Viki rules that are starting to appear. Speed is now the rule.


Yes, I remember her on my very first project as CM, her and there was another volunteer, I remember her username was starting with something like “angel” but can’t remember her full username. They had done more than 20k subtitles on my first project as CM, just the two of them (having 12 episodes to sub per week, we were always able to finish subbing the new episodes before the next ones were uploaded). I really was enjoying working with them.

Edit: angelica_li_2, found back her username


I would love to see an AI translating Portuguese “Vai chatear o Camões” if anyone can understand me :joy:


Speaking of the VikiBot, couldn’t the latest crappy Spanish and Portuguese subs have come from its more advanced version? I mean, it’s been years since the catastrophic alpha version. The beta may have learned a thing or two in the meantime.


Yes!!! Another really great one!


Seeing the quality of some subs, yeah, it could be.


I am Brazilian and I didn’t get bulhufas of what you said. :joy::joy::joy:


Yessssssss!!! They don’t advertise that AT ALL. You have to scavenger hunt every information.


neither eu !! @cerejacult Portuguese here


Ahhhhhh now I get it. In that case “devolve nosso ouro” LoL just kidding. But as Brazilian, is my duty to make this joke everytime I encounter a portuguese.


“Give us back our gold”? I was debating if “ouro” referred to money or actual gold but I went with what seemed the most logical. Plus if you remove the “u” you get “oro” which is Spanish for “gold”.


I don’t think Korean pre-subs are done well. They are up to 20% incorrect just like other original language pre-subs.

[subwayhongsamkopiko]| Oct 15
Right. You said you’re from a family of military officers for generations. (This means you’re discussing her.)
[viki]| Oct 14
Right. You said it is a family of military officers for generations. (This means you’re discussing a family.)

Viki Staff may often omit important signs:
[subwayhongsamkopiko| Oct 15
[Soghwan: Bringing back prisoners of war after paying a ransom.]

My teams on airing shows are very fast. I tell the GEs and TEs not to wait for each other, and I do final edit even if GEs don’t have time to finish, but I need to know that the translation is corrected by a TE. I think our TEs and segmenters are our most vital part of Viki. :heart::heavy_heart_exclamation::heart:

Correct translations and decent timing are what set Viki apart from other Asian websites.


@ilovethisdrama @daiemyllygunnarsen_8
I am the English Chief Editor of “VIP Thailand.” On Episode 2 at 49:17, a young woman drops something made of glass. She says:
viki | Oct 7
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.

I don’t know what the Portuguese pre-sub said, but if the Portuguese Moderator corrects it after I do my final edit release, this Portuguese mistranslation of “eu farei” would not remain.

Please do not blame bad Portuguese pre-subs on our English Team. I have enough to correct bad English pre-subs.

The Portuguese Team is supposed to edit their bad Portuguese pre-subs by the English that my team provides. If you don’t read what I release, how will you know the correct translation? Your Subtitle Editor should be set at “English to Portuguese.” If you are trying to edit on “Portuguese to Portuguese,” then you do not follow the proper process, and you will have edits that have not been passed by my Thai Translation Editor.


Is “give us back our gold.” Because the Portuguese came to Brazil, colonized us, and took away our gold. It is just a joke Brazil people do when talking to someone who is Portuguese. If you search it on tiktok, I believe you’ll find a few of these there LoL


I agree completely on that. The Korean is one of the best, but Thai is one of the worst. Some BLs looks like they were being translated with those text-to-speech things. But it makes sense they invest more money on Korean since is the “money maker” after all.


I agree that some/most Kdramas do have quite some inaccuracies but you need to know the language to realise that or have a great TE :sweat_smile:


This is crucial. How else will you know if your well-formatted and seemingly context-appropriate sentence is actually true?

TEs are a necessity.


Viki does claim to have TEd most dramas themselves, but if you actually have a TE who is fluent in the source language, you’ll start to see what the presubs are lacking :face_with_hand_over_mouth: