The Nightmare Teacher Metronome

Throughout the series, there is a metronome that appears. I’ve been trying to figure out who made it, and which specific model and/or year it is. I’d like to use it as a profile picture and as a video intro.

I’ve done some reverse image searching with the preceding screencapture (as seen in episode 9), but I haven’t found one result that specifically fits it, and any that do or come close (like that of Getty Images) don’t give me much detail about it, to where I could go and buy my own.

These are the most common metronome models (at least in Europe).
Here are a few that I found with a 1-second search.



Etsy has a lot of them. A beautiful one, and very cheap too, because it’s broken. But it’s not as if you want to actually use it, so it’s probably okay:

I have seen that type of metronome often in the US


Yep, I’ve seen these ones. They’re close, but things like the pendulum head and tempo indication design are off.

So far, this appears to be the closest one I’ve encountered. The bottom part of the tempo indication design is different, but this appears to be made by the same company, overall.