its a girlish boy…(16 yr old…)
D: how young are they!!??? Yeah he’s the one hat caught my eye IMMEDIATELY!! XD
OMG REALLY>>>>>??? LMAO we are lol lol
T_T now I’m trying not to look…I’m so going to HELL… O O
We are doomed to jail lol some day, what can we do if they are …atrractive… lol is that a safe word ??
if I use the word hot for him It would be wrong lol so I guess he is an attractive young man lol lol
LOL no he’s HOT that’s the problem…you can be my cellmate…we can decorate the walls…
LOL deal! we will have some parties there! yes all k-pop hottie deco I like the idea, now jail doesn’t sounds so bad… look at that mouth, we are doomed…
look he comes with his own hand cuffs…
lmao, lol lol lol I just saw that lol
TOTALLY my type him wonder what his DAD looks like…
lol his dad??? lol hahaha check this out I like this song
well in 2 years he’s legal…yup going to burn in hell for that thought alone I’m rewatching it…
looks so good in white with the snow…
Did you faint with the last video???
OMG!!!Kk let re google maybe he’s 18… XD
lol his name is Ren… so loving his name
ROFLMFAO he’s going to be 18 in Nov!!! SCORE