The Perverts Club

OMG yeah like here people are taking out the time to help out and she tears a strip into them…I was like…excuse me…

and than being all snotty about Absolute Boyfriend which is the TW ver of ** Zettai Kareshi** the Japanese version they said they liked thus why I recommended it…me…

2nd response I was like…

please do not have children…

Haha, yes this person is a little bit …rude.

Whoever hasn’t started watching Fall in Love with Me jump on the bandwagon words can’t not describe how good this one has turned out to be…I LOVED Just You but I have to be honest I think this one has surpassed it!! :open_mouth:

Ep 7 the flower scene…me…

LOL me when he runs in the street takes off his shirt…

than in the car when lady knocks on the window to give him back his discarded shirt

picks self off the floor from loss of blood …yeah it was that good!!!

Ahahaha those pics xD Boom.Pregnant. haha xD

Now I have to watch episode 7 >_>

Sooooooooo I’m near the end and @b2utybubbles comment pops up at how he is sitting so I take a closer look and died…so of course I had to comment and take a screenshot…oddly shaped wrinkle orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…dies…too vivid imagination I can’t decide…

I may need a blood transfusion by the end of this ep seriously…

@melliebean_2 AHAHAHAHAHA You read my comment! ROTFL x.DDD

well,really, the way he was sitting was too cute and very “boss” like! thats what i meant. i was like AHAHAHAHAHAHA! omg i feel like saving this picture he looks very manly here and cool xP i think this is better than just you toooo!!! only because it got straight to the point of things. LOL the crazy old lady looking at him in the car was just… something we girls have to live with every day of our lives LOL those scopers (scoping/looking). i had one looking at me today… i went inside a store and he stared at me so hard from outside. i turn around and, next thing you know, he creeped up right outside of the store’s glass door right on the glass. seriously he was at the door (the only exit) basically like this:

so yea, i ran to the back of the store LOL .yup, definitley an aaron moment… anyways,so funny that scene!

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LOOLOOLOLOL mannn, its okay, at least you understand what you were talking about, thats all that matters haha. @mellie and @Kurama too i hope the others can keep peace on viki here and we can just stay chatting with our happy recommendation selves. it should be a fun thing! unfortunately some people are just going to be like that :confused: what can you do. shrugs ROTFL your gifs are soooo perfect for explaining your most likely facial expressions. i seriously die of laughter x.D


Vixx teaser pictures came out and since you kind of like Vixx too, i thought id share haha xD looking foward to what kind of mv will come out from them this month! they all look so good and loving the colors

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ROFLMFAO!!! Well my dear friend I know your observation would of been purely innocent coughs but there’s a reason some of us are here dies laughing I normally do not pay that close attention and stare at men’s crotches it was just after reading the comment I focused in and I was like…
.Hey what is that

Ohhhhhh my gawd is that…what is that…

nuuuuuuuuu can’t be .but…


was pretty much step by step my reaction…

Awwwwwwwwww your first stalker?? LOL creepy isn’t it…sigh some men honestly don’t know what they are thinking…Ppfftt I wish I could tell you stuff like that will never happen again but there are all kinds of weirdos out there. To make you feel less creeped out I’ll tell you a true story happened way back to me…
At the club with my g/fs and we see this fight breaks out…one of the dudes in it proceeds to walk over and sits down at our table across from me …head bleeding where he got hit over the head with a beer bottle and tries to pick me up…by and if there are any fellows that venture into this room do not EVER EVER EVER use this line…Hi there beautiful ladies have we’ve met before?? I remember seeing you before…do you work at the Strippers??

my face…

my friend’s faces

I was like pardon me…

Yeah so creepers everywhere some with flesh wounds… XDDD

Looks cool!!! Thanks for sharing I do like this group you introduced me to them I believe??

Love this song/vid

no no, i just wanted to clear that up because i seriously wasnt thinking that. i just thought he look like he ruled hahaha

oh, but you meant you guys, okay okay, i get it now xP sorry, everything on computer is confusing sometimes :X

PFFTS definitley not my first. theres always a bunch of creepos around EVERYWHERE lol

and as an adult, i hav to say, it NEVER ENDS. lol some people just dont mind it as much, but i have to take a double turn and be like “okay,what is going ON?” lol

oh wow. okay. he had enough strength to tell that while bleeding?? O.O sure was a man that was purely out of it… LOLOLOL those gifs! [quote=“melliebean_2, post:4785, topic:145”]
Yeah so creepers everywhere some with flesh wounds… XDDD

HAHAHAHA that you created i see (last pic)

i have had my full share of weirdos but NEVER at the door! like its hard to describe over computer, but he seriously had a scary face while looking at me through the glass door with his face pressed against it. i have never seen a crazy like that lol.

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I have…

ppfftt that’s all I’ll say…honestly though I hope he wins award for his acting he has COMPLETELY creeped me out …


HAHAHAHA!!! X.D that is the perfect picture for this convo! tho if he was lee joon i wouldnt mind… but it is kinda creepy

i hope so too omg i really am gonna watch this soon.

yeah us pervs and I guarantee I’m not the only who stared… paused and took a double look…but I’m probably the only who would post it :stuck_out_tongue: but seriously of all people to point out a pose in pure innocence and than of all the people to come along…me: ohhhhh there’s my friend I’ll take a look O_O still giggling and still unsure if my imagination is working over time or not funniest thing is I know nothing like that would of crossed your mind and that’s what makes it even funnier!!!.

o_O you haven’t started watching it yet???

It’s 6:30 am and I have to walk to school in 15min still in pyjamas buuuut I have to answer to this lol

You just cracked me up with that pictures Haahahahhahahahah reminded me of my stalker lol he was exactly like that to. Omg thank you girl those pictures :smiley:
Sigh going to go now…

Yup agree. I’ve read thorough the comments and well. What a nice person wow says thank you to every recommendation… I wouldn’t have stayed that calm lol at least you still explained.
Ppl nowadays

Uppps 6:40am and 5 min to prepare
Bye guys have fun @b2utybubbles @melliebean_2

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yes, but ive only finished episode 1 LOL :confused: i know, im terrible T.T

LOL omg i missed youuuuuuu!!! but, i know you have to go T.T ROTFL seriously, it was creepy… glad i made you laugh through it at least…

until next time!

LOL oh you saw that? yea… it was a heck of a nice line of posts O.O well, LOLOLOL

btw, i found this and it reminded me of the other thing we were talking about, and i just cracked up i had to put it here:

anyways, have a good day in school and we’ll all see you soon!

had to put this for all of us suffering our long distance relationships with our husbands (biases):

LOLOLOLOL and i love kai… thats a really good idea… JK!:


LOL hiers

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