This is the "sample cold open for Episode One of Kami-Sama Kickass.
Using Celtex, which truly does everything except clean coffee cups, I took the mess that resulted from the open source script template and, with a few clicks, put it in “industry standard” format.
I find it interesting that folks whose cultures place strong emphasis on not being noisy and forward in public keep backing farther and farther off the more I point out how easy it will be to use Celtex and actually achieve the goal of writing a simple script with an app that could not be more user friendly, and could not be more collaborative.
Collaboration comes in all shapes and sizes.
- Collaboration requires writing, which everyone here can clearly do.
- Collaboration requires proofreading, which everyone here can clearly do.
- Collaboration requires editing, which everyone can clearly do.
- Collaboration requires brainstorming ideas about dialog, “locations,”, hair color, food, names of all kinds of characters, the sky’s the limit.
- Collaboration requires an eye for detail and consistency in format and in continuity of word usage and dialogs in flashback . . . which some people can clearly do . . . and others cannot.
- Collaboration requires saying, when something doesn’t make sense and isn’t working, the chutzpah to be able to say, “STOP! This needs to be put in the scrap paper pile for re-use at a later time (which will be never)” . . . and some people have that awareness much more than I do.
Before anyone runs away and says, “Oh, but this was just for fun, and now things are too serious,” I wish you would let me send you an invitation so you can try out Celtex and see how much fun it is, and how simple it is.
I write because it is part of my training, part of my personality, part of how I justify my existence on planet Earth . . . but if I didn’t get a kick out of it and a sense of satisfaction, I would stop and do something “easy,” like sit on a couch and eat candy, and then I would end up physically and mentally in very bad shape, and I would be dead sooner rather than later.
This thread was started as an opportunity to have fun. The minute it stops being fun, the minute it starts demanding of anyone anything that they cannot do in their sleep, this thread is over.
In fact, if the opportunity to pay homage to our favorite dramas has lost its luster for those dropping in, that’s fine.
And if school, work, family, friends, and other “real-time” activities prohibit any but the most cursory involvement, that’s also fine.
Some people may think: what if we fail? What if we write a bad script? What if we take ourselves seriously as creative, thoughtful, idealistic human beings, actually produce a script that rocks, and some Viki flunky says, “I don’t think so”? Then what?
Then we laugh–because we know about how much Viki is aware of its volunteers and their perceived needs and concerns.
We know about Discobot/brat/bhat/snot.
We know about all that absurdity already. And we continue enjoying K-dramas and whatever other dramas there are, and shake our heads at the short-sightedness of some people, and we go on.
If there truly is not anyone who, after thinking it through, wants to see what Celtex is like and what collaboration looks like using it, I don’t mind at all.
But that will effectively be the end of this thread. If I don’t get any takers by EOB (end of business, 5 PM) my time tomorrow (Thursday), I will consider this thread my happy introduction to some really astounding people with some really big hearts and even bigger values.
And then this thread will be closed (with the aid of someone who has more badges or whatever is required, I’m sure). And the party will continue over at the ever-more inclusive and attractive Segue Cafe . . .
Because I can’t not post MEEEEEEMES and crack jokes and dream of perfect cups of coffee to sip whilst bawling like an infant.
A little light K-drama refreshment is welcome any time, anywhere . . .