This Or That (Game)

Definitely. Viki is lacking in that department.

What role would you like?

  • FL’s mom
  • Teacher
  • Neighbor
  • Customer
  • Housekeeper
  • Burglar
0 voters

That’s one reason I have “Gaga…”. Vikis GLs are really bad… and I could take any of those roles or why not the supporting bi. :wink:

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I’ve only ever come across 2 of them and they are a bit weird. At least YT has some… I don’t have Gaga.

Turns out the burglar is the supporting bi… :sweat_smile:

Might be a fun role playing something criminal when in real life I have projects working with lawyers… :rofl: I remember once I asked why they didn’t do a more thorough check up on me… I mean I could be a criminal and the response was laughter. :wink:

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Who said they didn’t? :joy:

You do need to be able to run fast for this role. An attractive police woman is chasing after our burglar… :policewoman:t3:

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If the had asked for information from “belastningsregistret” (a registry that has everything on everyone) I would have gotten a letter from the authorities, thats how things work in Sweden. :wink:
I’m iaidoka so that’s perfect for me… :joy:


This looks too much like our word “belasting” (tax; burdening) :grin:

Great. The director will send you the plane tickets. You are expected in Thailand next week. :palm_tree: :coconut:


Swedish and Dutch have so many words in common.
lol. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Great!


We get letters too :joy:. Can’t ask info from the “belastingdienst” (bureau of tax / tax department) without the belastingdienst informing the person who was asked about :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.


Someone leaves you a generous tip (you’re the one who interacted with the customer the most).


  • Put the tip in the “tip jar”
  • Take the tip for yourself
0 voters
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I once worked in a shop (unpaid) where taking it for yourself was not even allowed…

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Although it’s probably both 50-50, for me personally, it’s more of the second. Throughout the years I’m watching Asian dramas I’ve got so many instances of secondhand embarrassment for FLs. We need a strong and smart FL cleverly luring a ML into her arms.

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Salamanders are amphibians, they are neither reptiles nor fish.

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The airline made a mistake with your ticket. To compensate, they upgrade you to first / business class. You are traveling with your friend / partner / family member. They will not get the same upgrade.
If you want, they can look for a way to make sure you guys are sitting together instead (in economy).

What do you do?

  • Take the upgrade and sit by myself (enjoy that extra room!)
  • Sit together, even if that’s the only perk
0 voters

You are participating in a talent show and you have to perform one of the following songs. Which one will you choose?

You’re a film / tv director and/or producer.
You need to choose between two options for your next project:

Make something commercial that immediately earns you a lot of money (something more generic)


Make something very unique in the way you envisioned it, but it won’t become popular ( / a cult classic) until after you retire or pass away

  • Make something commercial / generic
  • Make something unique
0 voters
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  • Watch a reboot or remake
  • Watch a 2nd (or 3rd) season
0 voters
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This one is a popular debate between us book nerds. Hahaha! I’m curious which one wins. :smile:

  • First person narration
  • Third person narration
0 voters

I like both and like books that mix them :joy_cat:


When it’s a good drama → 2nd season
When it’s a bad drama → reboot PLEASE

I prefer first person narration. I like to know the characters’ inner thoughts.