Thoughts for you/us to ponder

They controlling the food sources.
I always think about the fruitless trees in New York, and people be hungry. They want people to pay for everything, when God gave it for free. cme, & kmt!


Only in fairytales…


Not only in fairytales, right here in real life. :blush:


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Well one reason could be they think it wouldn’t match with the local vegetation and it could bring a disbalance in whatever. But as planet Earth is not doing well, we have pollution and overpopulation, every country should have a certain self supply resources, I say it all the time…

For example European Union isn’t not an ideal concept, chicken from Polen, tomatoes and more from Spain, processed food from France… when it comes to natural disaster or political chaos or even war… what do you do, eat roots??

A problem with growing vegies and fruits is, it requires lots of water, if it doesn’t rain a lot, Spain and Italy are draining in some parts wells, so that water quantity is getting smaller for population… it’s a growing dilemma!!!

In the end it’s about survival!

But, still Hawaii should not rely on onside food only and should pay attention to more agriculture as much as possible.


:hushed: :face_with_peeking_eye:
Artificial Intelligence, the future, and AI.


lmao, a human with 3 legs, there goes the “sophisticated AI” leading us into an unreal world full of nonsense and unknown content… I would never trust such thing… a machine is a machine… another reason we still cannot trust self driving cars…

AI is an invention to stupefy and control human kinds… One cannot really rely or trust what AI puts out it… It’s more like an entertaining feature, you can have fun with… but no one knows how much wrong information is out there… therefore I do not understand the hype and I will not use it…

Just like computers have glitches, worms and bug so will AI. It’s too bad that younger generation will depend on it and trust it, making them a sort of slave to a machine. We already do that with the usage of a computer… cell phones, tablets…

I’m from the older generation and just see flaws in it.

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I’m just glad I’ll be long gone when it’s up, and running. :rofl:

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Me too, but it might happen faster than we are thinking… advancement can’t be stopped our civilization is moving in the wrong direction… dependency on machines…
I’m just thinking Solyent Green style…too

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Yes, and they haven’t even uncovered the civilizations that probably did something similar, and crashed back to ground zero. :rofl: Crashed so hard, they had to re-learn starting a fire. :joy:

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:hibiscus: ~ Forgive ~ :hibiscus:


OH so true!!! Leerla73 took me a very long time to forgive them, AND me

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~ The sad truth of screen time, and technology. ~

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~ Trust The Process ~

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In the olden days we only had to remember 1 phone number (landline) to a house for every in that house. Nowadays every individual has a mobile number so even more numbers to memorise, plus mobile numbers are longer than the landline ones.

I’m quite amazed that my wife can enter her long credit card number off the top of her head, not sure if that’s a good thing or not :expressionless: (guess who foots the bill)
I have to read it off my card and type it in every time when buying online which is not often so don’t commit it to memory.


A’hem! A’hem! You might find that most folks can do this, once you get annoyed at having to repeatedly hunt it up.

Here’s an amazing post, @ninjas_with_onions, this kid is still wearing diapers btw, be prepared to be amazed!

:flushed: His IQ must be hiiiigh! And he’s still in diapers!
Akeeba Maze on Yutube revealed how they do it so easily. Check out her shorts. Although not as young as this genius, her kids have been home schooled, and knows how to quickly do math.


y’all, I can’t stress this enough, with my bout of depression last year at and around Christmas was bad. but this year seems like I don’t have it as bad.
I’d like to share something with you I just found, theres 3 things here that describe me. so do read this and think of someone you know that is ;lonely, depressed, etc.

Why It’s Important To Notice Loneliness

You can’t help what you don’t know.

“Awareness can help with empathy and understanding how you can be there for someone,” explains Reena B. Patel, a positive psychologist and a licensed educational board-certified behavior analyst. “Once you are aware someone is lonely, you can help and act on this by making an effort to include them and check in on them.”

Dr. Tallent shares similar sentiments. “Understanding when someone might be exhibiting signs of loneliness could potentially help them get the support they need before it develops into depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation,” she says.

Related: The One Thing You Should Never Do If You Want to Live to 100, According to Geriatricians

11 Phrases That Signal a Person’s Lonely, According to Psychologists

Here are some of the most common ways a person may be saying “I’m lonely.”

1. “I’m lonely.”

While some people may be more subtle, others will outright tell you how they are feeling. Each approach is valid, and Dr. Tallent advises friends and family to take this straightforward confession seriously.

“Once someone says this, listen and ask them what would help them feel more connected and help them do that instead of just offering suggestions,” Dr. Tallent says.

Related: 11 Phrases To Use if Someone Says You’re ‘Too Sensitive’

2. “I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

It may be plausible, but the underlying reason for this fatigue could be loneliness.

“This is a great indicator that the person is struggling and feelings of tired might actually indicate emotional fatigue and sadness,” Patel explains.

3. “I need some friends.”

You may especially hear this phrase during the holiday and summer party seasons.

“Each party, each social setting, and each holiday card can be a reminder of what someone doesn’t have,” Dr. Tallent says.

Related: ‘Encourage One Another and Build Each Other Up’—30 Powerful Prayers for a Friend

4. “What are you doing this weekend?”

Sometimes, Dr. Tallent says, this question is just a friendly one—perhaps one that precedes an invite. Other times, it’s an alarm bell that a pal is feeling isolated.

“It might also be a way for someone to fish for an invitation without appearing to do so,” she shares. “If someone asks you what you are doing, and you have room or space in your schedule to include them, consider inviting them to come along.”

Related: The #1 Thing To Say to Someone Who’s Going Through a Breakup—Plus, What Not To Say

5. “Are you doing anything today?”

A variation on No. 4, Patel says this phrase could be a person’s way of trying to connect.

6. "I never have plans.”

Dr. Tallent says this phrase signals that a person wishes they had a busier social calendar.

“Invite this person along on even mundane tasks if you are able,” she recommends.

For example, she suggests saying, “I’m going to grab dinner and go grocery shopping later if you want to join?”

Related: 150 Different Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ to Your Partner, Friends and Family

7. “I am bored.”

These three words can be a powerful admission of loneliness.

“They are outright telling you they have nothing to do and are seeking plans,” Patel says. “Someone who is not doing anything but content wouldn’t label that as bored.”

8. “No one cares about me.”

Dr. Tallent says this phrase is one to take seriously.

“This is a red alarm that someone is feeling lonely and that they aren’t cared for,” she explains. “Ask what would make them feel cared for, and try to help them move in that direction.”

You may want to also recommend therapy.

Related: 16 Signs You’re Losing a Friend—Plus, How To Cope, According to a Therapist

9. “No one would notice if I wasn’t here.”

This phrase is a sign a person is in distress.

“This statement is definitely a red flag and is commonly a silent call for help,” Dr. Tallent warns. “Listen. This is a signal that someone is experiencing depression, and therapy would be an excellent resource.”

Importantly, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline number is 988 and provides free, confidential support 24/7 in English and Spanish.

10. “I am busy with work."

This phrase could be genuine, but some people use work to mask loneliness.

“They are diving into something else that might side-track them from their feelings,” Patel says.

Related: These 101 Songs About Depression Will Remind You That You’re Not Alone

11. “I don’t feel well. I’m just going to go home.”

Sick happens, but if a person is chronically leaving early due to illness, it may be worth digging deeper (if you feel comfortable).

“Missing plans, being sick often and leaving abruptly can all be signs that someone is experiencing loneliness,” Dr. Tallent explains. “Check in on these individuals and ask what they would like to do.”

Related: 15 Helpful Phrases To Say To Someone Going Through Divorce

3 Ways To Help Someone Experiencing Loneliness

1. Listen

It’s tempting to want to solve the problem, but Dr. Tallent says listening is often the best way to go.

“First, I always recommend listening to what someone is feeling and what they think could help,” she explains.

From there, you might help them get involved in something they enjoy, such as pointing them to the website for a local animal shelter if they want to start walking homeless pups.

Related: How To Nurture Friendships Over Age 50, According to Psychologists

2. Encourage social media breaks

Social media is supposed to connect us to people anywhere, anytime, but Dr. Tallent says the opposite is often true. “Social media can contribute to feelings of loneliness, so encourage your friend/family member to take a social media break,” she shares.

Help the person by scheduling offline meet-ups or phone calls.

3. Follow up

You may have devised a plan that you felt was promising. However, Dr. Tallent says that working through loneliness can take more than one conversation.

“It takes a lot of mental space to take action when you are feeling lonely, so check in with them often and try to support them in getting connected with resources,” she recommends


That’s so true, I did memorize a lots of numbers, now I have to memorize lots of passwords and my brain is just fuming… more companies (websites) more passwords, even numbers for unlocking phone etc…

We are slaves to digital advancements…

For the same reason I gave up Face-book aka (entire word was censored, lmao) Fraudbook, it was ok in past, but it got too invasive, data harvesting and too much time consuming… I don’t have instagr nor visiting tik/tok… it’s all time consuming.

Working on laptop and news reading is time consuming as well… watching dramas too :wink: it will just get worse, and we’ll get more restrictive laws and permitting all the tracking and data selling… in Europe the laws were stricter and since summer now more is allowed and I’m upset, it prevents me to access website just to search for a product.
Why are over 400 partners needed for combining devices and following surf activity??

Anyway, I just also want to share a sad or tragic occurrence in Prague just before xmas… A very sad day in this country… that never had such a tragedy for so long and this young man, likely with disturbed mind has been on the list and warned but public office didn’t take it seriously or reacted too late.

May the 14 victims RIP and may family and friends be comforted. :candle:

To you all, wherever you are, be safe and watch out, the world is chaotic, may there be Peace :dove: soon!


:owl: :owl:
~ May We Know The Wisdom Of When, To Exercise: ~
~ Automaton Conformity ~

And, Three things to let go. . .



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sometimes we think too much about us, these short stories are from a friend of mine, I hope you enjoy and just think about it in your own life.


  1. Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paperI’m working on for my Psychology class. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said, "Success is when you lookback at your life and the memories make you smile.”
  2. Today, I asked my mentor - a very successful business man in his 70s- what his top 3 tips are for success. He smiled and said,"Read something no one else is reading, think something no one else is thinking, and do something no one else is doing.”
    3**. Today, after my 72-hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didn’t recognize her. She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the sincerest smile and said, "On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center.”**
  3. Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face.
  4. Today at 7AM, I woke up feeling ill, but decided I needed the money, so, I went into work. At 3PM I got laid off. On my drive home I got a flat tire. When I went into the trunk for the spare, it was flat too. A man in a BMW pulled over, gave me a ride, we chatted, and then he offered me a job. I start tomorrow.
  5. Today, as my father, three brothers, and two sisters stood around my mother’s hospital bed, my mother uttered her last coherent words before she died. She simply said, "I feel so loved right now. We should have gotten together like this more often.”

that last one really touched me!