大家好 请多多指教

你们好。 我可以说中文但我不能写很太多。
请多多指教! 谢谢!

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ok…commenting in chinese is so awkward…

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Haha it’s weird because there is so much to learn in chinese…AND IS THAT GODFREY GAO! :smile:

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YES THAT IS GODFREY GAO and he’s adorable >.<

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HE IS DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! … Did you hear he has a English role in Mortal Instruments : City of Bones

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oh yeahh i haven’t seen the movie yet but i’ve seen gifs (and read the books). he’s the sexiest warlock lol

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Haha I loved him in Queen of SOP along with Joe Chen/ Chen Qiao En

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same! have you seen never give up, dodo?

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not yet … is it good?

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it’s really weird but hilarious

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Hi everyone, this is Cathy from China.
I have a question here.
Does Viki has this kind of language or translation tests for subtitlers if they want to help?

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I haven’t seen a formal Viki test. People usually just ask to join a team that assigns them parts to subtitle or segment.

There is NSSA academy, though, where you can find advice and training, if you like.

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Thanks ^^
I found it quite different from what fansubbing groups in China do. They usually have tests for volunteers and only allow those qualified subtitlers to join.

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actually there IS a language test- contact the viki help desk and ask. I was offered one if I wanted to take it for Mandarin style Chinese to English. Make sure they know you are interested in subbing Chinese to English or whatever specific subtitle type you wish to work with.

If you are sufficiently strong in Chinese and English, I do have two historical/wuxia projects going right now, Mandarin to English. Both require strong skills - one is a Ming dynasty show and the other is Jin Yong’s Demigods and Semidevils. :slight_smile:

Please feel free to PM me on those projects if you wish. Otherwise, very best luck to you and I hope you find the answers you seek. :slight_smile:



They do but it is not required.

The editor I worked with usually has one, but I wasn’t told I had to take it. She just accepted me and forced me to be an editor.

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但我有一个问题:有没有人知道为什么这个讨论论坛上要用简体字吗? 我不明白为什么这不就是用中文的讨论论坛, 这样人自己可以选择用简体字或者繁体字。我找了但是没找到Viki 用繁体字论坛, 很奇怪因为Viki 把大陆剧跟台剧都有。


Arael, 您好!

据我所知,这个讨论论坛并没有指定需要使用简体中文或繁体中文。所以,请以您最舒适的格式发表您的意见吧。另外,您可能已经意识到,这里有好多是精通双语或多语言的。 也还有好多是精通中文的。

必知的是,这个讨论论坛主要是一个英语讨论论坛,虽然外语不受劝阻或被禁止。 毕竟,Viki社区纷丝都来自全球的,而翻译的字幕都归于好多世界语言。

期待您的参与 …

PS: 我也希望在不久的將來可看到更多从台湾(台语)和香港(粤语)的参与者。

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