Translate from Korea to English

I need someone who can translate from Korea to English
we can work together on so many works
I can’t translate KDrama by myself :cry:
please I really need help :confounded:

Hello :smile:

I can help you translate Ko-Eng, but I only know basic things and a few complex sentences, but I will be willing to help you :slight_smile:

I’m an english subber, what’s the name of the drama tho?

thank you very much
you will be very helpful :heart_eyes:

thank you very much
Why Couldn’t You Get Married?
this is a drama, 39% only English and some of it is without a subtitle
so I need your help with that
tell me if you can do it

What drama is it?

I am an Arabic translator. If you need in any help with Arabic, I am glad to provide it.