⭐ 🇰🇷 Upcoming K-DRAMAS 2025 🇰🇷️ WANTED CHANNELS

Hello everyone! :sunglasses:
Most of us must be looking for upcoming 2025 Korean drama channels on Viki but they have not been created yet, so I think it should be a good idea to summarize them in a detailed LIST of channels we are dying to have on Viki in 2020.
Who knows? This list may be taken into consideration by Viki somehow :sunglasses:


  • Post a comment with the K-drama title you want a channel to be created here on Viki.
    I’ll update this list with your title request taking into consideration if the title is “already” licensed somewhere else or not.
  • Do not ask for a DAILY Korean drama title.
  • Do not ask for a title that it’s already an exclusive in another site. GRRRR
  • Do not ask for movies or Variety Shows. ONLY Korean dramas or web-dramas titles.

Let’s all have fun! :smile:


Will humans even be existing in 2025?
And even if we do, maybe nothing can be said if shooting will continue or not.
That’s way too early to decide, if we’ll be existing or watching K-Dramas from the comfort of our homes.


That’s so funny bc I was asking myself the same thing. A re-known psychic who predicted accurately this virus made many predictions but she said after 2036 all she saw was a black ‘‘hole’’ so I thought well she’s dying in 2036 (I didn’t know she was old already) She died in 2013 so the black hole might be the end after all.

but, how can we request dramas when they can’t even make movies, soaps, shows etc…because of the virus and not having a vaccine yet?

By then we have all migrated to the moon:wink:

But on the other hand, having something to look forward to (the K-dramas, not the moon, lol) might give us the courage and inspiration to survive.

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Well, K dramas did spoiled us all, to the point of insanity for ‘‘some certain people.’’
They are sending many rockets to mars, moon etc… Japan send one yesterday to study the planet mars, Russia also send one recently, and of course USA is sending way too many lately. I saw a news that Germany was also working on that but the pandemic did too much damaged to their economy and hopefully they can overcome this situation/ EVERYONE in general.

I’m going to start to whine down my obsession with dramas so I won’t suffer too much if we have to live in the future w/o them…:sob:

Title for prospective 2025 upcoming K-drama

  1. Galaxy Korean Romance 1/2/3
  2. Galaxy War going back to the Korean Joseon era
  3. I love an Alien (Korean parent’s rejection?)

4.She was pretty in Korea, pretty in new galaxy world
5.Wake me up when we arrive in Mars.


We can always rewatch the old ones. :slight_smile:

Oh, and once the hotels are ready we can also go for a vacation on the moon. That is, if we can afford it … Who knows someday they might shoot some J-drama there …

There once was a K-drama called Life On Mars … I never saw it, though.

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