Urgent! Gold QC Status Lost

Hello! Due to my job, unfortunately I haven’t been able to contribute on Viki and I’ve lost my Gold QC Status. How can I renovate it?
Do I have to start again from 3000? My dashboard is gray and in the bar it’s not counted any new subtitle (blocked 110/500) even if the general counting is growing.
What do I have to do?
Ty for your help!



Hi! Don’t worry. You just have to get on a team, and begin contributing again. I believe it takes 500 subs or segs to regain your QC status (if no rule changes have been made recently. I know of a volunteer who did just that recently to regain QC status).

If you like, you could send a PM to the Viki Community Team to check with them or let them know your intent.

Just don’t worry.
Welcome back! :slight_smile:


Ty for your answer! I’ve done 638 new sub and nothing has changed, still blocked :sweat_smile: I’ll PM them and try to understand something!
Ty so much for your help :blush:


I see your Gold QC status has been restored. All it takes is the 500 contributions as jadecloud mentioned.


You’re welcome!
Congrats for regaining your Gold QC status. :rose:


Whew, I had the same issue for my normal QC status and was worried when the bar wasn’t loading. I’ll try completing the 500 subs as suggested. Hopefully, it’ll be restored!