Viki and VPNs?

Hello everyone,

this might be a stupid question, but I am not very well-versed on these topics.
I had just started watching and subtitling a drama on Viki when all of a sudden it was blocked in my region. Several subbers then told me to install a VPN to circumvent the restriction and continue with the subtitling. Is that allowed? It doesn’t sound like it would be…
I have no experience with using a VPN, and my only knowledge stems from what I have read on the internet, where it says that one is not guilty of an offence when using VPNs, but that many content providers will block you from accessing their services if you try to circumvent geoblocking regulations.

I would be glad if someone could help me with this.
It’s so unfortunate that so many shows are not available for viewers outside of the Americas, but of course, I don’t want to do anything illegal.

Thanks in advance!

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Es verstößt im Grunde schon gegen die Richtlinien wegen Lizenzierung usw.

Dass du mitten beim Übersetzen nun nicht mehr weitermachen kannst, ist sehr bedauerlich. Hast du schon VIKI Pass und QC Status? Bei manchen Sendungen geht das Übersetzen nur mit VIKI Pass/QC Status.

Ich würde kein VPN zum Übersetzen verwenden, auch deshalb, weil Gratis-VPNs mitunter ein Sicherheitsrisiko für dich/deinen PC darstellen können und ich würde mich für ehrenamtliche Arbeit hier nicht so etwas aussetzen wollen.

Es gibt so viele Serien, die zu wenig Subber haben und in Europa freigegeben sind, dass ich mich lieber auf diese konzentrieren würde (bedenke, dass deutschsprachige Zuschauer die Sendung ohne VPN auch nicht ansehen können und im Zweifel ist deine ganze Mühe und Zeit dann vergebens).

Viele Grüße :sunny:

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Well, now that I have gotten two replies with diametrically opposed views, I am even more confused… :woman_shrugging:
For those who don’t understand German, sonmachinima said that using a VPN would constitute a violation of the licensing regulations (and therefore probably a violation of Viki’s Terms of Service).
So, the big question is: Who’s right? :rofl:

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We cannot really reply to this sort of question here, my dear. There are some things which everybody does but shouldn’t be mentioned in public.


I agree with @sonmachinima. The only people I have heard talking about VPN’s were programmers and the like and I assume they know what they’re doing when they use it, but personally I wouldn’t dare. Whether VPN’s are legal or not differs from country to country but for all countries goes that it’s not allowed to use them for illegal activities. It’s not likely that you, as a user, will be held responsible or prosecuted, but you could be cooperating with an illegal activity anyway.
And indeed you might take a risk for your device and most of your audience wouldn’t even be able to enjoy your hard work.

I’m very sorry, though, that access got restricted in the middle of you working on the show. That’s so unfair and frustrating. :bouquet:


VIKI has some shows that can only be watched and subtitled with VIKI pass and full QC status. As I already mentioned in the training for beginners thread I’m the mod of a movie that is available for every full QC volunteer I asked but not for beginners. Since the movie is older it would be a great way for beginners to try subtitling on VIKI.

I asked the VIKI admins about this situation and the answer was that they cannot do anything because of licence issues (so they can’t give non QC volunteers access). Related to VPN the reply was quite clear - but since neither myself nor the volunteers with full QC I asked use VPN the movie was legally available for QCs but not for beginners (that’s why I asked you about your QC status :))

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Perfect answer!

@blue_morpho, VPNs are not always safe for your computer and in essence they break the rules. But asides from that, see Irmar’s answer above.


I actually asked the Viki support team about VPNs and got a very vague answer, in which I was told they “cannot advise methods for users to work around these restrictions”. :thinking:

It’s just so annoying that three dramas on which I had been working have been blocked in my country over time. I always choose older shows where I am the only active subtitler because I like setting my own pace and not having to work in a team or having to follow set deadlines etc.
I am a QC, BTW.



I’ll be archiving this thread now! Sorry that we weren’t able to help you @blue_morpho.


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