I think it’s great. But… is it really available to everyone or only to people in Latin America?
See what happened to me. After reading your post I went to Help Center to investigate.
It was there, in the list of subjects, under “General”, but for some reason the title was in Spanish (all the rest of my page was in English of course, since that’s the language I have for viki).

I clicked on it and yes, all the juicy details which you will see in the screenshot.

Notice that in this article by Mariliam, written 10 hours ago, there is a link to "Subscribe to the Viki Pass Bàsico? Well, if you click on that link, it takes you to the main vikipass page, with “Choose your plan”, and there’s only the old two options to choose from.

Every other page doesn’t list it, it lists only the two other sorts of pass. See here:

and here

I thought, Hmm, maybe it’s not available to me because I already have the regular vikipass (being a QC), so they only show me the options which are better than what I have?
So, from another browser, I went to viki, without logging in. And clicked the “Get viki pass” oval deep pink button which is on the upper right corner of the main page. Again, I got only the two usual options, no basic.
Maybe it understood I’m not in Latin America?
On that other browser, there is a free vpn. I tried from France, from the US and from Hong Kong. (Unfortunately Latin America is not an option) In all cases it was the same thing.
I never saw the page in your screenshot. The only place where I saw info about this basic pass is the one in Help, with details, by Marilliam.
So, either it’s only for Latin America or they haven’t had the time to update the whole site yet. Let’s wait and see.
HOWEVER it’s not as great as it sounds:
It says “it allows you to watch available FREE shows without ads and in HD”.
Free shows means those which are not behind vikipass. Now, how many of these are there?
Do you know that even old shows from the 2000s are behind vikipass?