[Viki Community Team] A&C Segmenting Reward Released!

Hello everyone,

We’re excited to share that the additional contribution point for the “adjusting” part of A&C (Adjust and Combine) segmenting has been released! :raised_hands:

Starting immediately, Segmenters will now receive a contribution point when they “adjust” or lengthen a segment. This new point will accompany the existing point that was already being awarded for “combining” a segment when performing A&C.

As we previously mentioned, while the point for “combining” is counted as a subtitling contribution, the new point for “adjusting” will be counted as a segmenting contribution because the segment itself, and not words within the segment, is what will be adjusted.

We’d like to thank NSSA for sharing their expertise in A&C segmenting which supported the awarding of this additional point.:heart:

Thank you all for continuing to be a part of our Viki community!


Viki Community Team