[Viki Community Team] A Quick Community Update

Hi everyone,

The additional point for A&C segmenting was just the first step in our work towards making improvements for our Contributor community, and we are happy to share that we will be looking at the Editor role next. :smiling_face:

Earlier this year, we sent out a survey to over 1,200 active Editors to get their honest thoughts and opinions about the Editor role and the effort involved in editing. This survey was a supplement to an earlier project in which our internal Research team talked individually with Editors to gain greater insight into their role.

We are now in the process of combing through all this valuable information. We’ll provide an update once we have more to share.

Until then, a huge thanks to everyone who participated in the survey, the sessions, or both!

Have a wonderful rest of your summer! We’ll be in touch soon.

Viki Community team


Hi everyone – Hope you’re having a great summer! :sun_with_face: Just a quick note that Brenda is currently OOO on a much-needed summer holiday. She’ll be back on Friday, July 26th and will be able to respond to any comments/questions then. Thank you for your understanding!


Great… So now editors, too, will start making unnecessary changes just to up their contribution count.
Sometimes I wonder, where do you get these ideas from? Did they really come from the community? If yes, I’m very disappointed in those of us that talked to you (I, for one, was not asked about this)


I remember a survey but I did tell them it could lead to unnecessary changes being made :woman_shrugging:


Well, in the Spanish community, there are some editors who make use of unnecessary changes… But we try to share with them the idea that it’s not normal to do that, because before improving the subs, they make them worse.

But as you say, some will take advantage of that to increase contributions.


I never thought I would ever say it but I don’t like it that all variety shows like Simply Kpop are gone now because how am I supposed to get the required segments every 6 months?! Must I really switch to subbing while I enjoy segging more?!

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They have adjusted the way segmenters get credit, every adjustment to a segment counts for a segmenting contribution :frowning: .

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No, you can switch to A&C (E+P). And you’ll still get the chance to create some segments for whatever is not in the presubs but should be. In some cases, even part of the dialogue is missing.
You will then get contributions for every segment you adjust (2 points if you adjust the end of a segment that is attached to the segment that follows since your change affects both segments). And you’ll get 2 subtitle points for each combine or split because you work with 2 languages.
It might take some time getting used to, but A&C (E+P) is actually quite fun. :cupcake: