[Viki Community Team] An Important Update Starting March 31, 2025 (PDT)

Hello Viki Contributors,

It’s been an incredible experience having this community help us share Asian entertainment with viewers all across the world.

Through your subtitling and segmenting efforts, we’ve been able to showcase Asian stories and culture, uniting Asian drama fans across so many languages beyond English, like Polish, Greek, Arabic, and more. Where else can one say that they directly contributed to a show, movie, or series and see their efforts on the screen?!

Yet as the streaming landscape continues to transform, our company has had to adapt as well. Starting March 31, 2025 (PDT), all newly released titles will arrive pre-subtitled in Spanish and French.

For our Spanish and French Contributors, we still want you to be part of this community and share your love of these languages through editing and enriching subtitles. And if in the past you’ve been hesitant to translate subtitles from English, this is a great opportunity to contribute and make an impact.

We remain ever grateful for everyone’s passion, dedication, and support. While we understand that the way many of you are able to contribute is evolving, we hope you will still choose to be part of this amazing process that allows us to bring forth the memorable Asian stories that tie us together.


Now I have a curiosity… What are the next languages that will be taken over entirely by Viki for translation starting this year? :sweat_smile:


Thanks for this official declaration. We all knew that we were getting there.
As French contributor, I’ll be going on offering my time with pleasure, because it’s impossible to propose such low quality of subtitles made by the bot.
I’m sure the evolution won’t stop there, and will touch other languages, but I hope that Viki will keep the concept of a community of volunteers. AI is unuseful without a human brain behind.
Thanks to certain people who don’t finish the projects in time, who abandon their projects and those who doesn’t edit after their translations leaving lots of mistakes in it. Those situations give complaints from people who pay for a service, and I can understand that Viki chose this way to solve this problem.
So please, when you apply, be sure that you can finish your project and proposing a good quality for the sake of this community and not just for the free pass.


I can understand the evolution of the streaming landscape, but not the idea of providing viewers with such poor-quality subtitles. It damages Viki’s image, as well as that of all the passionate contributors, since viewers assume these terrible subtitles are the result of our work.
In our language (french), the presubs are mostly insupportable and do not reflect the atmosphere or the very essence of our Asian dramas. So, despite the changes in the streaming world, I’m not sure this is the best solution.
But as they say, we have to keep up with the times… Not always for the better.
But I love Viki and especially its community, and I’ll continue as long as I can. <3


Thanks for making it official, since it’s been the case since November. As a French contributor, I lost interest. I don’t believe the French public is happy with the subs you are giving them.

As a Moderator, one of the joys of our contribution was getting good feedback about our work by the viewers, it was my pay for a job well done. Now we see feedback about your horrible presubs that, very often, make no sense. I’ll continue to contribute with few projects that really motivate me, but it’s not the same.

Nevertheless, I truly want to thank Viki for those years of allowing me to help viewers watch these beautiful stories and, personally, make friends from all over the world. The friends will remain so thank you.


Now that it is official, it seems to me that the translation made by the bot or the viki staff is just as bad, they combine the translations of other languages with Spanish… Is that why they changed us? How horrible…

Thank you for the official declaration. While this change was something many of us saw coming, it’s still a significant moment to have it confirmed. It’s reassuring in a way to finally have clarity about the direction the platform is heading. Even though I can’t say I’m happy about the decision, I respect the path the company has chosen to take. After all, change is a constant in any evolving industry, and we, too, must adapt in response.

That said, it’s hard not to feel bittersweet. I joined Viki because I genuinely love translating. From the start, what drew me in was the opportunity to work closely with passionate teams, to be part of a collaborative process, and to contribute meaningfully by translating content from scratch. It gave me a sense of purpose and joy to know that my work was helping others enjoy stories they otherwise might not have access to. Now, knowing that newly released titles will arrive pre-subtitled in Spanish and French, it feels like the role many of us held dear is changing fundamentally.

Still, I’m trying to remain open-minded. Perhaps this new phase will bring different kinds of opportunities, ones where we can still make a meaningful impact through editing, polishing, and ensuring that the subtitles truly reflect the heart and soul of the original content.

However, I do want to raise a concern that has weighed on me for some time. I’ve seen multiple comments blaming poor-quality subtitles on Spanish volunteers, specifically on shows I know for a fact have not yet been edited by community members. It’s disheartening to see volunteers being criticized for errors that were not theirs to begin with. I truly hope that viewers and fans will grow more aware that many of these subtitles are not the work of volunteers, and the quality is not always reflective of the care and attention that volunteer teams would typically provide. Transparency and understanding from the audience would go a long way in protecting the integrity of the volunteers’ work.

Within the community itself, I’m aware that we don’t always see eye to eye. We have different working styles, different preferences, and different approaches when it comes to our respective projects. That diversity has always been both a strength and a challenge. But despite our differences, I hope we can all come together and continue doing our best—for each other, for the viewers, and for the love of translating. Our shared passion is what brought us here, and I believe it’s what will keep us going.

Let’s keep working hard, supporting each other, and delivering subtitles that do justice to the beautiful stories we help bring to life.


I second this.
If Viki doesn’t do it, we will do it, as soon as the video is uploaded. We should put a notice on the very first segment:

“Subtitles created by professional segmenters and translators paid by Viki. Yet unedited by the voluteer community”

And when we finish working on them, we will remove the notice.


Yours and mine. Obviously.

I think it’s a good idea and it will reflect the real quality for viewers. But I think that Viki has to be more transparent about the new process of those subtitles. It seems that it doesn’t matter for viki that all volunteers are blamed for the poor quality while it’s not their subtitles at the first. It’s not fair. Not fair. This is something that we must change.


Please, try more dramas and films with French Sub on Viki :star_struck.