[Viki Community Team] Announcing Quarterly Top 100 Badges!

Happy March, Contributors!

We have some fun news! Starting immediately, we will be awarding Top 100 badges every quarter to the 100 Contributors who earn the highest number of contribution points from when a quarter starts to when it ends. Each badge will display the quarter number and year, with four (4) unique badges available – one for each quarter of the year!

Here are the quarters dates:

  • Q1: January 1 – March 31
  • Q2: April 1 – June 30
  • Q3: July 1 – September 30
  • Q4: October 1 – December 31

Please note that each quarter officially ends at 11:59:00 UTC. Be sure to use this time converter to see how UTC aligns with your local time zone.

Here’s our first Q1 2025 badge – best of luck!



nice idea =)


Honestly, I don’t think this is that great. Out of hundreds of volunteers, only 100 can get that badge. What about the others? Are they not worth it just because they can’t contribute as much as their colleagues? Not everyone has the same amount of time to spend on Viki, some people even face health issues that prevent them from contributing as much.

When it comes to subathons, we push ourselves to the limit just to earn those d@mn badges, working ourselves to exhaustion because it’s only for a limited time. We give it everything we have, often ending the subathon with tendinitis or eye strain. We can manage it for a few days, but doing it every day? We know the cost.

We also have families, friends, jobs, and studies. If someone invites me to go out and have some fun should I say “Sorry, I can’t, I have to contribute to get to the top 100 to get a badge.”? Of course not. After a long day, we’re exhausted and just want to go to bed early, but we can’t? Just because we “have to” contribute freely and willingly? Just to get 25 bucks, which are hard to withdraw and even harder to find a store to spend them on. Of course not.

I’m already doing great, considering everything we have to go through, from pre-subs to paid staff editing the subtitles now. That’s new, but once they’ve started, they’ll only push it further, and there’s nothing left for us to do here.


My advice to you would be to choose what’s really important to you.
You know, I think we must consider ourselves our Top Priority because, in my opinion, what we invest here in Viki is our own life after all:

Take care! :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles:


Is this really possible?!?!

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How about an anniversary badge for the longtime dedicated volunteers? 5 or 10 years of regularly contribution, thanks Viki :wink:
@brendas @vikicommunity


You sound as if getting those badges were mandatory and/or you would feel bad if you didn’t get one.


They may not officially be “mandatory,” but we will still be judged by some people for not having them.
In any case, Viki is trying to push us to go over our own limits for them on a permanent basis and only those who make it will be appreciated, at the cost of the steady workers who may not always deliver the right amount of contributions.
Anyway, I have already decided not to participate in this permanent subathon. It’s not worth it.


What? No, LOL! I don’t know what kind of people you hang out with on Viki, but no sensible person judges anyone according to their badges or lack thereof. Sorry, but it sounds so outlandish I have to laugh.


Thank you for your advice :slightly_smiling_face:


I think you don’t need to worry for now. I only saw it in my language (Portuguese) on two channels, but that’s how the pre-subs started, only a channel here and there, now we are where we are.

Of course they aren’t mandatory but I’m one of those people that loves getting badges, so it upsets me that only 100 people can get it, even though we also work hard on our contributions, just our numbers aren’t that high, so we’re not valuable for this company, as it seems.


See it this way: If many more people could get it, it would be less valuable an achievement.


The achievement could be based on something else than how fast we type…


Like what? Quality? And who assesses that? Are you assuming that Viki higher-ups know your language? Or that they care enough to hire an expert in every language to assess who is doing a good job or not? Or that they care about quality, even?
My dear, I’m sure you are too experienced to have such illusions.

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In an ideal world, yes, but we all know that’s not an option. However, pushing contribution count to the max is only going to drive us further away from said quality so instead of going this path, there could be more appreciation for those who have been faithful to Viki for years, regardless of their speed, which can’t even be measured in a fair way.