[Viki Community Team] Contributor Community Feedback

Hi everyone,

We want to thank you for your ongoing feedback and comments to our posts. We are noting each and every one! As we move forward, we want to continue to be sensitive to your thoughts and wishes, and be aware of possible obstacles in this new landscape.

This is why we have two immediate items in the pipeline:

  • First up is a survey that will be sent to every active Contributor so we can understand what’s important to you and try to meet your needs.

  • Next we will be interviewing A&C Segmenters and Editors to learn your current processes and see what support/clarification may be needed. This includes processes for titles that are presubbed in English and Portuguese and titles that remain subtitled from scratch in other languages.

We are continually grateful for the level of respect you have for each other and for the health of this community. We look forward to hearing your views in these upcoming weeks.


Viki Community Team