[Viki Community Team] February 2021 Updates - Editor Role Coming Soon!

Or Omma. It is a spoofing of Oma (grandmother in short).

You mean “MAAAAMAAAA” in Mr. Queen? :joy:
Māmā in Hindi is maternal uncle. I needed two episodes of the show for me to believe that she isn’t the Palace’s maternal uncle.


@ teufelchen_netty_266
Mama 마마 in Korean means “Your Highness” It also means smallpox.
I thought of another German loan word often heard in K drama. 도플갱얎 do pul gaeng eo.
Of course I remember Eojin66, She was my savior in A Thousand Kisses. My fellow dog lover – multilingual – Japanese, Korean, English. I haven’t heard from her in a long long while – I lost her email address unfortunately.

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DoppelgÀnger (lookalike, double)

sorry for interfering

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Ich stand eh auf der Leitung 
 I experienced a mental block just now.

It’s all good.
I found another one at Wikipedia

닄슀훈튞 taksÉŻhuntÊ°ÉŻ („Dachshund“
In Germany we now use Dackel instead of Dachshund but it is still the same meaning.

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Thank you so much! that’s interesting to know. I’m guessing a loan word from the 31% in Spanish is what I heard in some K dramas (on NTFX though not here). From now on, I’m going to pay more attention and write the word down, the title of the drama minute/episode etc
I really thought I was hearing things.

When I heard Korean medical drama doctors calling scalpel 메슀 (messeu), I thought it might be a German term, but apparently, it came from the Dutch word ‘mes’ which means a knife. When I looked up German word for scalpel, it was skalpell. But then, I also found the word seziermesser, and the 2nd part sounds like 메슀.


As a Dutch speaker, the first time I heard this I was thinking: Did I mishear this? Are they really saying mes? :rofl:


Dutch probably took the same way as German into the Korean language with the detour in Japan.

Like Lutra already said, lots of these word come from Japan, after they were adapted into the Japanese language. And maybe a part of the German words derive from the Korean workers in Germany. In 1963 the German and Korean governments signed an agreement, that Korea should send ten thousands of Korean nurses and miners to Germany. They stayed for at least 3 years, but lots of them stayed forever and married in Germany. Those who went back brought German traditions and products to Korea.

It’s my understanding that for Viki subtitles, the final output is American English. I live in Canada where British English is sometimes recognized with words like “boot” for a car trunk, but it’s rare. I remember seeing 'boot" on a Viki sub and being startled. We remember things when they are tied to emotion.

@irmar “Translate” is changing one language to another. English Editors do not change any other language to English. That’s why our heading specifically says English to English. A Chief Editor who speaks the origin language may decide to work by herself, but then she is swamped even more and will likely make more English mistakes.

By minority language, I mean Kaixana, Chemehuevi, Kawishana, or any other little known language. I will change it to little known language. I was just trying to make an example that just because someone can translate in another language, it doesn’t mean that s/he is skilled in English.

@cgwm808 I beg to differ that spelling does change a translation. “The lollipop is sweat” is not a proper translation of “The lollipop is sweet.” I have encountered several translations where the wrong spelling has not only changed the meaning of the translation, but created a plot hole! “I haven’t treated her rudely” is a far cry from “I have treated her rudely.” Everyone who watched the show will know this is a plot hole when the first or second lead has treated her rudely. Evidently, rude male leads are a very common occurrence on dramas.

If Viki proceeds with this stipulation that only translators can be English Editors, that will count me out as a CE. That is fine with me. I know two other people, usually seen on top of the leader board, who can’t be CE. That would be an immense loss to Viki!

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Here are some more European words that have become a part of Korean vocabulary:

íŹë ˆìš© (keu-re-yong): crayon
ëž€ì œëŠŹ (lahn-je-ri): lingerie
바ìș‰ìŠ€ (bah-kahng-seu): vacance
플망 (pee-mahng): piment; bell pepper
ìŠˆíŹëŠŒ (shoo-kreme): chou a la crĂšme
레슀토랑 (le-seu-to-rang): restaurant
암윜 (aeng-kol): encore
파띌솔 (pa-ra-sol): parasol


Loanwords is definitely an interesting topic. Maybe we can make another thread so when someone tries to find/make a thread on loanwords, they’ll have it in front of them.


In Hospital Playlist (excellent drama which can’t be found on Viki) screenwriters and the production had extensive counselling with real-life doctors in Korea. What I gathered was that medicine in Korea is taught and practiced using English terms and abbreviations for such.

“Mes” is a term I often hear in American dramas in a surgical setting, when the surgeon is asking for a scalpel. And it’s only a tip of an iceberg.

CBC (complete blood count), CPR, ENT (ear-nose-throat), FFP (fresh frozen plasma), GCS (glasgow coma scale), HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma), PED (pediatrics emergency department) and SAH (Subarachnoidal hemorrhage) are just to name a few.

Apparently doctors in Korea prefer using these abbreviations, albeit foreign, because it saves them precious time in their daily communication. They are in essence learning another language while studying medicine.


Astrid, thanks for reminding me of a really good movie “Ode to My Father” which is available on YT!
@angelight313_168 It was 31 words out of 11,000 words which were Spanish loan words. I was surprised at how few Spanish loan words and I have no idea how the author of that old study collected the words to make his count
@choitrio @twinkling
Thanks. I do think we could have fun on another discussion thread cataloguing loan words we encounter in K drama.
@bozoli In K medical dramas you see a lot of medical equipment and supplies with both English and Korean printed on them. Korean medical journal articles are in English.
For K drama, that the viki subtitles are largely in American English was never planned or set out as a rule – it is an artifact of the backgrounds of the majority of the subbers.
" A Chief Editor who speaks the origin language may decide to work by herself, but then she is swamped even more and will likely make more English mistakes." This is a non sequitur. Is being competent in another language incompatible with being skilled in English? Why is there an expectation of errors in English for someone competent in another language? Why would this multi-lingual person make “more” errors if she were a Chief Editor?
“I beg to differ that spelling does change a translation.” “I haven’t treated her rudely” is a far cry from “I have treated her rudely. [This is not a spelling error but a translation error.] These statements are non-sequiturs.
The discussion started with the requirements for being a Chief Editor. I directed my comments toward the relative importance in a good editor of “perspective on how comprehensible the English subs are for other language subtitlers” compared to spelling when spell check is built into the sub editor. I think that perspective comes from being a subtitler and thus I could understand why viki staff are stating the criterion.


Making editing errors is due to being swamped with so many dramas at the same time. Only a CE who speaks the origin language can work without a TE. With a TE, GE, and CE, there is more of a failsafe in the system. Three sets of eyes are better than one in editing.

I know the efficiency of the TE who made the typo “haven’t” instead of “have.” A typographical error is not because she made a translation error, but she was pressed for time and in high demand. So many dramas rely on her because she is excellent in the origin language! Even if I was fluent in the origin language, I would want her skills to back me up. What makes Viki subtitling unique and special are the teams who work together, not pushing the load and responsibility on one member!

Last night I watched a drama which recently finished airing. One subtitle was “She pursued him hardly.” In the show, she pursued him with every effort, relentlessly, and persistently. “She pursued him hard” would be closer to the right meaning. “Hard” is used in the phrase “working hard” to indicate that a person is working a lot. In this case, “hard” is an adverb which tells us the person working is focused and using great effort. However, “hardly” indicates that the person is doing almost nothing at all. I truly don’t know how that would affect other language subtitlers, but I know that English viewers can detect that. I know the English editors didn’t get to that episode yet, and I believe they will fix it.

Other languages are vital to Viki. That’s why I stay away from idiomatic phrases and I give an explanation if I do use an idiomatic word. If I encounter a phrase that I think could be difficult for other languages, I take the time to ask my OL Moderator friends if this word makes sense to them. English subs are for our other languages to translate, but they must also benefit our English viewers who understand the little nuances.

I was required to take French in middle and high school for five years and received top grades. But I would never edit French subtitles as I know I cannot understand French nuances.


Sorry to disappoint you, but in this case Satanas is Latin, the language of the christian church and not Spanish. She sais “Satanae” that’s the genitive and dative case for “Satanas” (Nominative: Satanas, Genitive: Satanae/Satanai, Dative: Satanae/Satanai, Accusative: Satanan/Satanam, Ablative: Satana)

It’s so nice from you to remind me, that I’m German and I admire how you jump to the conclusion, that I don’t know any Spanish. It’s amazing how you think, that a Korean nun is using Spanish in her prayer, when Latin is the language of the christian church. You heard “Satanas” and I “Satanae”. I’m going with the logic conclusion :grin: And thanks for the whole text of the Spanish prayer. :wink:


Actually, she is saying ì‚Źíƒ„ in Korean which is a borrowed word of Satan. Koreans would pronounce Satan as ì‚Źíƒ„ (Sah-tahn) So she is saying ì‚Źíƒ„ì˜ (Satan-eh) (of Satan) in Korean.


So the -eh is the agglutination resp. the affix?
Let’s agree on Semitic.

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