[Viki Community Team] February 2023 Updates

Thank you for the answer. After those 2-3 months I was just constantly watching the change with “Get Viki Pass” that I did not think they would fix the Chromecast thing without changing this issue. I looked at the app yesterday at work. Now I tried like you wrote at home and I can watch shows on my TV through Chromecast even with “Get Viki Pass”.

I’ll keep it in mind, a bit swamped for now but feeling like coming back to viki to create subs some time :face_with_monocle:


@vikicommunity, @brendas, @giant_sean, @amm11, @themonelisa, @beefshi, @Mariko
The February Updates has left the reply box taller than the screen. Each time you type, you’re doing so blindly on a smart phone, regardless if it’s in desktop view mode.
On a laptop, or a desktop computer, this might not be as obvious, but don’t quote me on that, do, check with someone who regularly uses a computer.

So, because I’ve typed all the way down, I can begin to see, here, what I am typing. I will now switch to desktop view to show there is no difference. Please take a look at the screenshots at the end of this post. This is what I’ve had to work with in order to post, or reply.

I suspect there are others having this experience.

Once I touch the cursor, I get the keyboard, but at a price. This also happens in the PM. There are too many jumping boxes since the February 2023 update! ತ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ತ
It’s constantly back, and forth, and back, and forth, repeatedly, typing to complete a post! ʕ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠ʔ

  • The Keyboard.
  • The “List of @ names to choose from”
  • The “Create a new topic”
  • The “Reply”
  • The “Delete / Discard / Keep Editing”
  • The “Jump to”
  • The “Create a link”
    They, the boxes, are all like a jumping frog!

The keyboard’s literal relation to the typing space for a new, or edited post / topic, is not in sync. As soon as you place the cursor, the boxes move, and this has been ongoing for months.

Can we please get your :nerd_face: tech savvy team :face_with_monocle: to fix this very annoying problem? The “user friendliness,” has gone wayyyy down, trying to type on these threads.:anguished:

I’ve edited my post, to fix the tone, I realize it may have come across as a personal attack. It is not, it is all frustration.

Leerla73 :blush::sunflower:

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When did the subtitle disappeare on this and when are they going to be back? The few times someone contacts me that they want to be a subtitler I send them the links I think helps them to understand what it’s all about. I don’t know how other moderators do but working with me means I understanding some basics so no one can say later on that they didn’t know.


My bad!
Hmmm. . . :thinking: I took a visit to discourse. It seems these long term hiccups experienced in discussions, stems from a source outside of Viki’s forums. :smile: :smile: :smile: Boxes are jumping on discourse’s forum. :smile: