[Viki Community Team] January 2025 Updates

As we step into 2025, we would like to take a moment to express our gratitude for the Viki Contributor Community’s passion and the contributions you’ve made that have brought stories to life, and connected viewers from around the world in meaningful ways.

Here’s to a year filled with health, happiness, and cherished moments!

Badge Quest 2024 Recap

A big thank you to everyone who participated in Badge Quest 2024! :world_map::shield:

We added 3 point levels (2,500, 7,500 and 15,000), introduced weekly journey badges, and saw a grand total of 3,166,948 contributions over the 21-day period!

Here are some other fun facts:

  • 1,490 Contributors earned a participation badge
  • 1,214 Contributors received point badges
  • German was again the language with the most contributions, followed by Italian and then French

Congrats to all!

Earn Event Badges in 2025!

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news about event badges for 2025! :tada:

Check out our latest Discussions topic here to learn about how you can earn fun and meaningful badges during select Asian holidays and special Viki events. Don’t miss the details for the Lunar New Year badge – coming soon!

Community Shoutouts

Kick off the new year with heartfelt notes in our ‘Community Shoutouts’! Here are more meaningful messages from our incredible community.

To: @bjohnsonwong
bjohnsonwong always works so tirelessly and quickly on getting shows segmented so the editors can get to work. And does such an amazing job at it too! Thank you so much for all you do!
From: @jadeheart

To: @worthyromance

Years have passed, and between so many things I’ve realized how lucky I am to have found a very worthy volunteer: lovely and special, who loves to help and teach. May your light shine brighter by the day! Keep up being Amazing, Belle ^^

From: @lscz

Want to see your shoutout featured in our next ‘Community Shoutouts’ Discussions section? Simply complete this form to share your words of appreciation and support for any fellow Contributor.

:mortar_board: NSSA Graduates

Join us in celebrating the 2024 Winter quarter NSSA graduates! :tada:

Segmenting Academy Graduates! :mortar_board:

French Academy Graduates! :mortar_board:

  • tapiocavert

  • nabi_fr

  • dolina_14

  • erami

  • audetk

  • yakamoz_

Italian Academy Grads :mortar_board:

  • sohwakhaeng

  • about_

  • vania_vangi_52

  • dada_priarone

  • kathy_it

  • ciishere

  • apatty69

  • enzag

  • base_b_149

  • lulu_80

Romanian Academy Grads :mortar_board:

  • pianoguitar222_833-ro-

  • isa86


BJW really deserves the shout-out she’s such a great person to work with and having as a Sensei. :heart:


I totally agree with that


@jadeheart @lscz I couldn’t agree more! :wave: :+1:
@bjohnsonwong @worthyromance Well-deserved! :rose::wine_glass: Congrats! :confetti_ball:
Congrats to all new grads, too! :muscle: :sunglasses:

:heart_eyes: :muscle:


@misspudding, @apatty69, @simonetta and @brancadesouzadias_6; My angels, you did it! :sparkles::mortar_board: Keep reaching for the stars. :sparkling_heart::rainbow:

To all graduates, congratulations!!! :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Thanks so much :yellow_heart:

You are always amazing :kissing:🩵

And congratulations to all :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: