Viki levels new rules

First of all this post is not for pointing fingers about she/he so many, and she have this or that… I just want to talk about level case. Because now we have to have mentor with higher level to reach higher level, and that’s isn’t so easy, since they prioritize their community, and don’t think I think it’s wrong, everyone want their community to grow stronger, but some community don’t have such big community and are lacking of higher level cm so it’ll be really hard for them to find someone and upgrade.

I think it’ll be easier if on our dashboard would appear on what level we are too.

Please don’t fight under this post, or point like I mentor who have how many and where, it’s not about this. I just want to know your thoughts .


In general, it would have been easier if Viki had built that somewhere in when they announced the news. Whether on our dashboard or a list where we could have looked.


And who exactly would be able to see that?
Also, what if Viki’s idea of which level we are on is different from our own? If it’s on our profile, it’s basically set in stone…

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I think that is the case only for the first level? Then you gain experience by yourself

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It’ll be for us too see it’s kind of obvious since it’s our dashboard

Yeah but I want to develope higher and should do some probably big Chinese one and I couldn’t get it because of lack of mentor

I guess as long as you did a level-3 show in the past, you should now be eligible for a C-drama. A co-CM with a C-drama might speed up the process, though… :thinking:


Exactly but it’s hard to find person who want to co cm

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Your dashboard can be seen by only you.

@azuresky, I really like your suggestion of showing the CM level on one’s dashboard :blush:


Yeah, I mixed things up in my mind since someone else had suggested our profile pages for it in another post.


Thank you sweetie. It could help a lot, and I thought about suggesting viki some timers that would be showing on our dashboard during subathon to let us see how many subs we make. But that’s for later. Now I think they could think about levels for us to be more visible, since the question will literally spam viki staff messages, so it’ll be hard to ask about others things.


I would like the dashboard to be publicly visible for many reasons, but the main one is for when you’re CM and you want to see which moderators have free slots etc. Not all languages apply; sometimes you, as a CM, have to seek them out in order to have a greater variety of languages. So it would save a lot of trouble if you could already see at a glance whether they have a free slot (and how many) before writing to them.


That would harm their privacy, though.


Privacy? What do you mean by that?
This information is actually possible to acquire, if one wants to waste a lot of time.

  1. Look at the top on their list of projects to see the latest ones.

  2. Go to each project, go to an episode, switch to that person’s language

  3. Bring up the episode strip inside the player to check how many episodes of that language are 100% translated.

  4. Also see how many episodes are translated in English and, just in case they are translated but not released, also see which episode (s) is (are) also translated in any language other than English, which means that the episode was released to other languages. (Except for Spanish and Portuguese, which might have been already there, presubbed)

From this, you know how many episodes were completed in this moderator’s language, and also whether this moderator has been keeping up with the English and the other languages. To be fair, you have to know both, because it might be that this language is not complete because the next episodes have been uploaded but the English team is still working on them, they haven’t been released,

  1. For the next episodes, to see how much is done in that language, since the language is already set to that person’s language, you don’t need to go into the player, you could just see the Episodes tab. However you don’t get to see the progress of English and the other languages. So using the strip in the player is unfortunately a must. “Unfortunately” also because of that hideous blue screen that Viki has imposed on us to make us waste time when we quickly want to go to an episode.

If there are 5 incomplete projects, this means no free slot. If there are 4 incomplete, it means one slot - and so on.

You don’t need to be particularly clever, computer-savvy or whatever to do all this, anyone can find out. It just takes time.
Information which can be obtained by anyone cannot be considered private.

Imagine having to do all this work for every person who applies as an OL moderator for a project!
If I ever take a co-CM under my wing, I will definitely ask him/her to help with this. (Be warned, LOL!)

No but really, what a terrible waste of time. Viki values speed above all. Since we can already obtain the info, why not make our lives a bit easier and have it immediately visible?


Just the fact that you are complaining about how much work it is to obtain that information says enough. Being able to see it at first glance goes too far. You could also just ask them. It’s not like they could lie about it. If they don’t have a slot free, you can’t add them. In fact, you can even try to add them to your show to find out.


Goes too far? Because it makes the CM’s life easier instead of a torture? Why is that bad?
Since I can also ask them, is it bad because it doesn’t give them the chance to LIE? And yes, maybe they cannot lie about the slots, but they can lie about other things: projects on the side such as editing jobs or translating jobs, being All Language mod in order to not occupy a slot empty or saying that a drama is stationary/dormant when it is not.

I’m really trying very hard to understand where you’re coming from, but it doesn’t make any sense to me.

As you know very well, sometimes the CM announcement is made just a few days before the drama starts.
Imagine being a CM and having to send and reply to dozens of messages. You want to seek out some languages that didn’t apply themselves. You have a few candidates of that language. You write a message to one of them. Now, some people are not like you and me, every day on Viki. They might take 2-3 days to reply. And maybe the person is not available. So you write to the next one on your list. And so on. If you receive two negative replies you have wasted precious time and the next person will (rightly) think that they were not the 1st choice and might feel a bit offended.
And you have to remember this pending matter somewhere in your crowded “to do” list.

Yes, I could try adding the candidate to the team as a test, to see if I am able to, in order to find out whether they have free slots or not. However:
1). Someone without any free slots today, might currently be at the very end of a project, and be free in a few days, even before the new drama starts.
2) This method doesn’t allow me to know how many projects (or slots) the person has. Why is it important? Because if I have two candidates (equally good otherwise, or, for unknown languages, equally of unknown worth), one of whom has no projects and the other with 3-4 projects, I will prefer giving the moderation to the one who has zero projects and can devote more time and energy to mine - or, let’s put it in another way, one who is not the obvious choice and everybody chooses.


(Answering this as a jurist, as that’s my actual job) “Privacy” issues are about what can link the data to you - the civil person that you are (in the sense of “who you truly are / your ID number” or such information related to your own person). For example, if Viki made public our email address, real name, pictures, etc., these are privacy issues. But the level of contribution or someone’s current “free slots” are not a matter of privacy, they aren’t related to your own person, they’re just a data related to your use of Viki.