ViKi Official Certification

Official certification for students and professional translators:
For those looking for experience on resumes and college entrance
applications, we can provide an official certificate of your
contributions on Viki.

How do we go about receiving the certificate from ViKi?


You must ask for one and then they send it to you. At the time I PMed a staff member but you can also just write the help center.
Mine looks like this:

Of course with my real name. I hope they fixed the “Franicisco” by now hahaha.


I’m a translator (well, I’m finishig my university studies) Could you explain me how it works, please

Thanks, Dudie! That is awesome :smile:

I tried but i don’t know how to do it. :cry:


I want one! :scream:

Hi, I’m also wondering where and how or whom to contact in order to get this certificate?

Who should I contact to receive it?

where i send my message for ask one?

I want that too :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:
The certificate looks like the CPR one lol :joy:

Write the help center

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your inquiries and thank you for all your contributions to the Viki Community! We’d be more than happy to send you QC certificates. To request one, please [submit a request] ( to the Help Center. Through the Help Center, we will be able to attach the digital certificate (PDF). In your request, please let us know what name you would like on the certificate.

Viki Community Team