Clearly, this is going to need to be rephrased…and I have already accepted your above “challenge”…sigh. That’s how I AM learning, by the way, as I right now have NO time to enlist in a more elementary and more conventional method!
I see what you are saying, and yes, I am hearing you, BUT, consider please someone who is trying to correctly learn a language. The US State Department happens to tell us that Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Arabic EACH take on the order of 2500 classroom hours for fluency…for an English-speaking person.
Not everyone is going to be able to distinguish correct language or they might already be learning WITHOUT this feature.
(sigh). Harsh as your words are - yes, some people DO need spoon feeding as they are truly infants in languages you are very fluent in. I would not expect someone to take up English from well…Shakespeare.
And that…is EXACTLY what we are asking with a historical/costume drama. Picture taking a citizenship test…if all you are given is archaic English? Visiting a food vendor and trying to order? Telling a cabbie where you need to go?
With all due respect, IMHO it will require a professional and thorough edit, and limit to certain modern dramas. Two reasons for this suggestion: One - the above problem with learning the archaic as opposed to a modern and usable language generally. While some of you might be amused/bemused if we “thee and thou” about in your native tongue, it is not as useful and we might be highly entertained were the shoe…truly on the other foot. Rather than a subject for your entertainment, I want to be truly educated.
The second reason, AGAIN laid out above, is the problem of server space, and what happens if everyone decides to use this in unison? Without a really effective IT plan laid out, this would bring the entirety of vikiworld to a halt - watching, volunteering, and playing with the new toy would all cease. Failure of the IT variety at vikiworld would also impact other sites who indeed feast at the table set by the volunteers, and benefit viki/rakuten directly.
I do not think this new feature should be universal - far from it. I believe the wisest choice would be to select a couple from each category - PROFESSIONALLY spend the money and yes TIME to be sure the meanings ARE correct, as the example above shows this not to be the case…and ensure the usefulness to those who are not rocket scientists nor aspire to be, but wish to learn at their own pace and pleasantly to effectively speak a bit of your language.
moonandstars, you are the clear exception to rules most people on this planet do not readily evade. (deep breath). Anyone who has tried to teach English to a new person from anywhere on the globe may attest that it is an uphill climb. Not all are mountain climbers, and if this is to a truly useful tool to those who are NOT wanting to learn Shakespeare we must gentle the road and be sure it is properly paved. A gentle slope encourages folks to climb it for the view. With all apologies, I believe your proposal makes it the intimidating and nearly unscalable K2. (and here we have it even in English, even this discussion box has wrongly highlighted “unscalable” - which is indeed, proper English!).
Warmest Regards and pardon my candor, but humanity cannot readily soar with eagles if they are not given pilots and airplanes. You appear to be asking them to dance where angels fear to tread, on nothing but the clouds above…
I will say that I truly envy your ability to use both languages effortlessly. I will likely not meet your standard before my lifespan ends and I throw off this mortal coil…! And if I do achieve a decent standard of Mandarin style Chinese…well…(grin) you will have to get rid of my success on any bell curve measure you employ. Because it’s possible that being a student first of rocket science - and atomic/subatomic physics may give me a slight edge in well, learning by right and wrong examples mixed together. If we were to agree to limit attempts of K2 to elite mountaineers, we may enjoy far more success. and less frustrating and tragic failure.
Linda/Crouching Dieter, Hidden Donut