I would like to be a French moderator on the film “Ballerino”, because there is none and the subtitles are rotten (automatic translation, probably). I’ve already tried to contact the Channel Managers, but both are INACTIVE, so no response.
Is it possible for you to take me as a French Moderator on it so that I can make a film with a clean French translation ? (correct French spelling + correct classical dance terminology!)
Isabelle Pinchinot
Right, I am more experienced in French/English translation and editing… But if we think it’s not enough to be a French moderator, I can ask some friends to guide me, even take the job to hire me, knowing that here, there is mostly a big editing work!
Thank you all. I am Chief Editor and all languages moderator on the channel. The CM’s are no longer active so I have written to brendas to ask to be appointed replacement CM.