just finished watching taxi driver again, still think it was a good drama, trying to watch the veil, wow!
looks like I still have a lot to catch up on! I did watch ying yang master and the other two on NF, the black hole? hmmm didn’t see that one, I will check that out
think I am going to watch dr john again
got 2 months of catching up to do three times for wok of love is enough, b out as bad as healer, just cant get enough heheheheh
I’ve been watching a kinda goofy show on iQiYi.com Several scenes had me laughing pretty good.
It’s about an orphan woman and her adoptive dad who has lost his marbles. She fishes for a living and sells them in the market. She meets up with the new County Magistrate who is very suspicious of her - he seizes her fishing net as part of a fine catapulting her into poverty so she tries all kinds of shenanigans to make ends meet and the magistrate is right behind her. literally.
50d 9h 27m
1,387 episodes, 94 shows
1d 3h 14m
14 movies
So I feel like with most of you I am behind the times because I started watching in July 2020. I just hit the 50 day mark. Seems like I should have more than that!
I just started watching ‘Voice’, but after only half an episode the nausea is real from the lack of steadicam. Can anyone tell me if this continues throughout the drama? I am really into the story, but I just cannot watch it like that. If the unsteadiness/shakiness is standard, I unfortunately will have to miss out on this one.
Lee Je Hoon is on my screen again! With a MULLET!
He’s playing some sort of trashy character but the moment he smiled I fell in love all over again Though I do detest the smoking he’s doing And he’s a real trash of a character. Oh, the pain of loving an actor and hating the character
I’m on Episode 2 and I already like him He’s adorable, even though he’s fussing all the time. And his acting is wonderful, as always. The FL gets on my nerves a little with all the screaming, but I understand because it’s necessary to keep Hoonie in line right now But sometimes the way she keeps suspecting him annoys me, even though he totally deserves it. She’s so protective of the young ML that she forgets that being nosy has a limit. If she didn’t have plot armor she’d probably be dead by now.
I like the concept and the plot. Hoonie is one of @kdrama2020ali’s favorite “complete bad boys but softies deep down inside”.
That’s true, she’s very nosy… but knowing people like this in real life, they just want to protect their sibling / friend / child. They usually don’t go as far as the FL though.
Dramaland logic is also at play here, but I understood where she came from
Just finished this one last night and would really recommend watching it. Out of nowhere comes this ML who grew on me; Jung Kyung Ho. He’s one of my favorites now! His acting was great (and not too tough to look at either). Actually, (IMO) all the actors did a great job.
Thanks to @kdrama2020ali for enticing me with this gem.