They are hard to find. I ff a lot but it’s nice to find the ones that makes me feel like the eps are too short.
Agreed! Yup! They are hard to find these days. I hope you don’t have to ffwd the riveting ones.
SILENT SEA is premiering this FRIDAY ON (shh Netflix ) I just found out it is a short series, not a movie! 8 episodes!
Our Drama Lovers discord group is holding a teleparty (Netflix) Watch Party for the premiere This Friday at 7 PM ET.
Discord invitation link -
Netflix Teleparty Link -
GONG YOO in space! On the Moon!
WHOOOO! Hang on to your seats! Excellent Sci Fi!
I will definitely check it out. The one I am looking forward to watching on Viki is “Ghost Doctor”.
oh that one is going to be here on Viki!? cant wait, this friday right? (Ghost Doctor)
Thanks! I checked the synopsis, this is very intriguing! I notice it has a bell. I have rung that bell
for when all the episodes are in, and completed! Awesome recommendation!
ok y’all got a question, I recently watched YT and they, I guess you would call it advertised a drama, I have no idea title or actors, but it looked interesting, so here goes. and if you don’t know I do understand!
looks like girl was forced into a marriage, which the guy is crippled & wearing a mask, well he was in a wheelchair. also seemed like he was a ceo of a company. sorry I have nothing else, and another thing, think she was threatened, like her grandma kidnapped, to make her marry this guy
like I said it looked interesting, sorry no detalis about it, going to look into MydramalistThis text will be blurred and imid a coup;le of others too
Do you know if it was Korean, Thai, Japanese, Taiwanese???
looks Korean to me,
here is some info , this is the written beginning in YT
Her family forced her to marry a disabled man but turns out to be handsome man
Dec 16 2021 and a Kristinio Olsen sings the beginning of the drama,
I went back to see if I could find anything else, but this is it.
nope not that one, however will put that in my list.
the clips really look good! I just looked at this clip doesnt have that girl singing it, and don’t see the wedding with the guy in a wheelchair and mask
Is this it???
Oh this doesn’t look Korean though… I’ll keep looking
I didn’t see anything on this list about that - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -a conundrum
uh oh!!! this DOES look like it!! I rewatched this one , and it does fit the bill so to speak!
I started watching a Thai Drama called Oxygine and it’s wonderful in my opinion, I arrived at episode 5 and I can’t wait to see what happens haha ;). P.S. Do you have an Italian name, are you Italian? If yes I’ve
not italian, more Irish,scots, german
and where do I get this Oxygine, AND the drama I am wanting to watch!!?
so not able to do the hearts for 7 hours. thanks y’all for helping me find this. any idea what the title is? Fake bride? hmmm I will check
So was that it? In the clip I shared??? That looks good! Chinese???
It’s a 26 min. mini web series. You sneeze and it’s over. LOL
The plot sounds good. They should make it a full drama.
as far as I know yes that is it 26 minit? sheese, not worth my energy to watch, but I am hooked so gotta find it, full drama YES!!
You can find it on Viki, go to the Movies tick and you tick various categories, I hope it helps you haha