What are you currently watching?

You’ll be rewarded in the end… It’s worth the wait.


Impressive cast of characters.


taxi driver 1&2 and want to see #3 hope it will come on soon.


Impressive cast, impressive production budget, and intriguing storyline… a little too gratituously gory(people get murdered in the worst ways and we see every second of it, but we hardly even know the characters or have enough time to care about them - the presence of characters with self-healing abilities allows them to batter them with all kinds of weapons in all kinds of ways, with blood pouring everywhere). The screenplay is good, but I wish they wouldn’t keep in so much of useless walking around, staring, and other mundane things - I understand they do it to heighten tension, but there’s a time limit before it turns from tension to annoying.

I like how they have two parallel storylines with different main characters - one with the original black-agent superheroes(where most of the impressive cast appears), and one with their kids. It’s interesting to see the past and present coming together. My only complaint would be that the kids’ storylines can sometimes be a snoozefest - which is why I almost dropped the drama after the first four or five eps. The past storyline with Han Hyo Joo, Zo In Sung and Ryu Seung Ryong is where the actual spy action and intrigue is at, and that starts in Episode 7 or 8.


Candy Color Paradox!


these were pretty tepid… :neutral_face:


Namgoong Min…


wann kommt er denn mit deutschen untertitel


Warum glaubst du, dass ich das wissen könnte?
Ehrlich keine Ahnung es hilft im Kanal nach dem deutschen/German Moderator zu schauen, in diesem Fall

Ich kann nicht sagen, ob sie/er regelmäßig hier ist. Falls es hier keine Reaktion gibt, auf der Viki-Seite Profil öffnen, anschreiben und nett nachfragen.
P.S. Profil verrät letzter Besuch vor 3 Tagen.

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Tja, wenn uns das Team mehr Folgen freigeben würde… Aber bis das komplett übersetzt ist, wird es leider etwas dauern. Ohne dass die englischen Editoren daran gearbeitet haben, mag ich nicht vom Team übersetzen lassen, weil die Formatierung und eventuell die Übersetzung Chinesisch-Englisch nicht stimmen könnte.

Daher bitte ich um etwas Geduld.


Fate, a 40-episode Chinese drama filmed in 2017 but released in 2020. I am currently on episode 11 but don’t know if I’ll be able to slog on through to the end. Basically, the ML and FL like each other but his former love keeps interfering so they can’t get together. You get the idea. This theme is repeated over and over throughout the drama. Of course, there are other annoying characters as well as per usual. I cannot in good faith recommend this one although one reviewer thought that the screenplay was fabulous and felt that if you thought hard about all the subtle hints sprinkled throughout the drama, you would understand why the drama had so much repetition, etc. Honestly, I don’t want to devote that much brainpower to analysis of a drama. Yeah, I’m a lazy bum like that. LOL! So this one is on hold for now and I’m not sure I will return to it since there are so many other much better dramas to watch.


Once Upon a time- Japanese/ Cinderella/Red Riding Hood version (Crime/Mystery)
The Spies who loved me- SK
Show me the Ghost-SK
Wedding Palace-US/Asian
Desert of no return- Bloody/weird
Airbnb Nightmares- Documentary/must watch eye opening
Cliff Walkers-China
Stand or Fall- China


You made it further into the drama than me, I dropped it in the middle of ep 4. I rarely drop dramas much more so early on, but this one I couldn’t … Don’t know if this will encourage you to drop it or wake up your fighting spirit to watch till the end.


Started this one, and I don’t know how long I’ll keep with it… I found it funny that it rates so low both on MDL and Viki but most of the reviews are glowing and nominating it as most underrated drama ever. I can see it has all kinds of makjang-y elements, but the main characters are so good - both actors are doing their jobs so so well, and I’m curious about what happens next


Three Dads, cute child and dads. I’m at ep. 10 out of 10 eps. It’s fun to watch. Sad that it will be almost over.

Fake It Till You Make It, I’m at ep. 11 out of 14 eps. It’s about the experiences at work, about trying to prove yourself at work. And meanwhile the two mains keep meeting each other by chance, they are both not really ready for a romance, but the romance label is there for a reason. It’s a slow burn romance, and luckily the small misunderstandings are resolved quickly.

Back From the Brink I was waiting a bit for the English team to finish this series. I’m at ep 34 out of 40 eps. Enough things keep happening to keep me curious. Some major events have happened in the last few episodes. Wondering what will happen next.


Sadly I am no longer watching The Bridal Mask. It was available to me on the official site, but one day it showed this message:

해당 영상은 저작권 등의 문제로 서비스가 제공되지 않습니다.
양해 부탁드립니다
This video is not available for service due to copyright issues.
Please understand

I wish I could finish watching, because I really liked it. It’s a big disadvantage of watching shows on the internet, they sometimes get removed or made unavailable without warning.


Where is your region, if it is outside the Americas I don’t think there is a source for now. As for the Americas there is Kocowa.



If The Bridal Mask you was watching was: [

The Bridal Mask (2012)

](The Bridal Mask (2012) - MyDramaList)

You just don’t know how lucky you are because I wished I had never had to endure the horrible ending they gave in that drama. I was really mad for a couple of weeks, and almost swear off watching K-dramas since by then, I had seen so many dramas with unnecessary tragic endings, and I don’t like tragic endings and that is why I avoid them at all cost. I feel tragic endings create depression in me (but some ppl can deal very well with them). If you are one of those strong viewers (I’m a wimp) then, I wish you the best of luck to be able to see the ending of the drama; The Bridal Mask .

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I was watching it on the official KBS site. So, I found it strange that there were copyright issues. If it’s theirs, there shouldn’t be those issues right? I also had some other dramas of theirs lined up, but they all have become unavailable :frowning:


Lol, I don’t mind tragic endings when it is logical for the story. I dislike open endings (when there aren’t more seasons) and endings that don’t make sense. Still, endings are just a small part of the series and if the rest of the series was good, I don’t really mind how the ending is.

One thing that I did find strange is that none of the Japanese characters spoke any Japanese except for a random hai thrown in every now and then. I watched Mr. Sunshine first and the actors portraying the Japanese spoke Japanese so convincingly, you’d almost forget that they’re Korean actors.
With Bridal Mask, it was very easy to forget that some characters were Japanese, because every dialogue was in Korean.