What are you currently watching?

Watching movies as fillers and they are different than dramas.

The Moon is quite interesting, the graphics and moon scenes were realistic and other things too, it’s just overall it reminded me an American movie Armageddon. D.O. was great performing.

Recently posted and in English only another suspense Sci-Fi thriller…


I’m watching

It’s a very beautiful drama. It reminds me a little of “Love Like the Galaxy”, although I don’t think it will be as great.


je regarde la saison 2 de des garcons pour des fleurs et suis decue les 2 derniers episodes 10 et 11 ne sont pas traduits en francais, je me suis inscrite il y a 5 jours mais si tous les episodes ne sont pas traduits ont voit pas la fin je suis triste

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I’m currently watching

QUEEN OF TEARS- wonderful drama, amazing cast and hoping ending is happy. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

THE TEARSMITH- ITALIAN Different and mature subject so not recommended for anyone under 21.

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En général c’est précisé dans la description de la série à combien de % en est la série niveau traduction. Il y a beaucoup à voir en français et pour le reste on y travaille :grin:

I cannot make myself click on Queen of tears. I need to know whether the ending is sad or not… It’s hitting a bit too close from home (someone close struggling with cancer)…


This one left such an impression on me. I loved it, it was full of suspense, just the right amount of romance, twists, cliffhangers, etc… I was eagerly waiting for each episode.


The drama is worth watching because is full of so many different things, and although we have a lot of tears along the way; it has so many funny parts that you will laugh so much (which you need right now). I know is hard to do, but dramas like this help us through our own pain. I lost family members to cancer and I have success stories from my mom who was given 1 year to live when she was diagnose with Breast Cancer and she has been in remission for over 20 years. Think positive that helps a lot too.

It’s worth watching this drama since she will have a opportunity to get another surgery in Germany. Start watching it, and you’ll see how you will get hooked on it. I started yesterday, and stop only to do what I need to do, and go back. Tomorrow I’ll see Episode 14, and will know the results from her surgery. So far so good.

UPDATE Episode 14. She really is the Queen of Tears. Crying is a must in this drama, but it also gives us a chance to let all we hold in/out.

Highly recommend this drama. Very different and Entertaining. I believe it will have a great ending.

Now started HOUSE OF NINJA- JAPANESE version. Really good great subs.

STOPPED watching: EYE LOVE YOU. Too sweet for me. But great for lovers of romantic story.


This is on both Viki and NFLX. I watched it on NFLX. It’s cute enough, especially if you are a fan of CJH. Interestingly, most of CJH’s inner (and some of the spoken) Korean monologues were left untranslated on NFLX. I am sure Viki will do a better job of translating everything.


Funny you mentioned that because here at viki the subtitles on episode 1 what they added in one specific part (at this point I don’t know if they will be changed/edited) seemed to me they are wrong. I also see parts of the dialogue of the FL missing. I wonder if there’s something wrong with the video itself. The subtitles while the main FL is thinking on N FX make so much more sense. .

PS. On NFX they have a bad habit that when the Korean actors speak English they don’t add the subtitle in English. They are denying the deaf viewers of knowing what they said in English (this happen in Queen of Tears). I already send them a message to see what happens.


Don’t watch it if you are in the mood for a lighthearted rom-com. This beautiful drama deals with some heavy emotional stuff but it is well worth your time.


Watching also because of Xu Cai… he is just the Asian Leonardo DiCaprio for me :heart_eyes: It’s a bit like a Korean makjang, frequent chaos family surprises etc.
The mother is the most difficult character to bear, but the family saga is interesting, so are the dialogs. If you are a mom with kids you’ll probably mirror some things, lol.

Why do I notice that lately only 1 episode per day is shown on Chinese shows???
It used to be always 2 episodes at least… it states “available today” but it’s actually next day… did they loose translators or is it a bug, I noticed it started 2 days ago…

@choitrio I watched Road to Boston and it’s a well made movie and inspiring, never give up trying!! Im Si Wan did so well!!! Too bad movie can’t be translated in OL :frowning:


C’est t r a d u i t maintenant? Si non tu peux ecrire et demander la moderatrice francaise de cette drama. Tu vas la trouver sur la page de drama sous Team.

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gotta watch this one!


I watched


GOODBYE EARTH- SK (so so). short episodes.

3 Body problem- USA /Asian

City Hunter - Japan
ANNA - movie Russian really good but bloody.


Except it was killed by the fillers that didn’t belong there in the first place. They ruined my HAPPY mood. It might not ruin yours so is me myself and I, who didn’t like that part.
So… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
We see a Grave Stone with the years
1990 - 2074. I don’t think this earth will last to 2074,.and still not look modernized enough…
The atmosphere while showing the different characters in the drama was so sad; I actually wanted to cry. I didn’t like that part at all, and it was so unnecessary to make it look so sad and somber when the drama was so PERFECT without adding those extra sad scenes… :angry: :angry: :angry: Maybe I’m just overreacting. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I started watching Blood Free on D+ this weekend. All episodes have not fully been released yet but so far I am hooked. Mystery, thriller, action with a little hint (so far) of possible romance. Ju Jihoon is ML (I last watched him in Hyena).



I’m not quite finished with this one, but I would have to agree on the FL’s mother. I have to keep telling myself that the family is most important in their culture. I can understand why the FL had to leave home for a while. Whew, her mother was a handful!

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I’m watching

100% recommanded. :heart_eyes:
You can only love it!


I’m watching Lovely Runner (I’ve seen 2 episodes so far) and I thoroughly enjoy watching this series. :heart_eyes: It’s so cute and funny.