What are you listening to?

:microphone: Jang Hye-Jin & Hui :microphone:


One of my favorite songs :sparkling_heart:


Really miss her voice unfortunatly on the radio they only play this song, when there is OdeTo my family, linger, …
I am bad and lazy typing on the phone.
Still didn’t get to hear the newer stuff of the band.
Nice version, didn’t know about it.

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I’m glad you liked it.

:sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles:

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I’ve had this on repeat since it dropped a few days ago, haha. I love his music, and this one is so good too!

This one is my favorite from him:

He even has some Chinese (and mixed English & Chinese) songs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Live clip.

DPR Ian Limbo