What are your FAVORITE foods?

😂 @misswillowinlove

Here is your Googled translated post.:
OOOoooh. I really like Cuban food.

Moors and Christians, fried yucca, roast pork, imperial rice, Cuban-style flan.

Oh yummy things!

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It has been my pleasure and privilege to know a number of Cuban folks for about 25 years. As someone born and raised in Texas, hearing and learning both English and Spanish until I was nine, I have a great fondness for spicy, hearty, meaty meals with either rice or corn. (I developed a sensitivity to corn in college, but I will eat it carefully on occasion.)

Plus flan, which is a type of custard with caramel sauce on top. Wow.

And for a special meal, especially if you want a dish to impress at a buffet . . . imperial rice is amazing.

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Borenque rice!


I just learned so much from just this one post.

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YASSSS!!! Big en mi vecindad en la cidudad de Rochester, NY.

When I retired from being a City of Rochester Parking Bureau worker bee in 2016, a lovely woman named Maria Pagán made the entire farewell dinner (held in the break room where people ate their lunch if they had to stick close to the office for some reason). Wow, was I lucky.

More recently, I got groceries at Walmart yesterday and was thrilled to discover:


I bought two containers for 3.99 USD each, ate one for din-din yesterday. Same quantity as a very tasty brand at Wegmans that goes for 7.99 USD.

It’s the real deal. And I can buy gochujang at Walmart as well. Rochester and surrounding areas have a large Korean contingent. Wegmans, however, has the best gimbap. Only one kind, nestled among very good sushi, but still mouth watering.

Maybe this will be the year I learn to make my own rice and seaweed logs, but until then . . .


“seaweed logs” :laughing:

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California, and the San Francisco Bay area Pho’ done right, Chinese Delhi sandwiches, and Pineapple Bread desserts deliciouness.