What makes you fall in love? Dramas and novels vs. Real Life

What are the circumstances, the catalyzer, that will make someone fall in love with another? From the writer’s perspective. Please share yours!
BTW, I’m not asking in order to seduce a man. (At my age, renovating my old kitchen is much higher on my priority list).

Fall in love with an attractive stranger. Can happen from afar, with someone you don’t know at all, because of good looks. Of course this is quite superficial, although in old times it was sufficient to ask for hand in marriage. Nowadays, typically you would try to create opportunities to socially interact with the person and spend more time with him or her before anything serious develops. Otherwise it will remain a one-sided crush.

Start as childhood friends . Sometimes this slowly develops into love as the two grow older. Typically, one of the two discovers it first, when a potential mate appears for the other one, and jealousy comes in. This situation is risky, because the other person might never fall for you, and you will remain in the role of second lead, forever silent.

Start as enemies . Tension creates interest. Pride and Prejudice comes to mind, but I have seen this work in real life too. Something should force the two to spend time together, maybe collaborate for a school/work project, fight the same enemy etc. or be in a marriage contract. Hanging around with the person will make you know each other better and understand that the other person is good after all, and his gruff manner was only “character armour” (as Reich would call it).

Start as comrades. United in the same goal or against the same foe. This brings you closer, but if there isn’t something that sparks sexual tension, you might remain friends or, like Eponine in love with Marius in “The Miserables”, in a one-sided crush.

Sharing deep secrets Be in a situation where one of the two reveals his/her vulnerability and the other also opens up. Childhood trauma, struggles, revealing deep stuff like that will bring the two closer and create a special bond.

Physical contact. This, in dramas, is often the moment that changes the vibe from acquaintance/friends to something more. He saves the girl from a bicycle or motorcycle coming full speed and thus takes her into his arms; one accidentally trips and falls onto the other at almost kissing distance (the accidental kiss thankfully is a thing of the past, you very rarely see it); they both have to hide from someone behind a door or in a closet, at very close proximity, and hearts start pounding; one is wounded and has to take off shirt and the other applies ointment.

As a girl, make him feel protective. This is veery old-fashioned, but I’m sad to say that it still works. Be impulsive, naïve and a bit silly, like a child, this will make him feel “older and wiser” as the Sound of Music song says, and that he needs to take care of you and protect you. This seems to be a great aphrodisiac for men. You might also consider stumbling a lot when he ‘s in the vicinity (don’t bother if he’s not around), throw tantrums, be capricious, pout: if you need to see this in live action, just observe a 4-year old little girl and take your cue from her.

What other ways of falling in love have you seen and/or experienced, either in dramas or in real life?


To be honest I could only think of subcategories to the categories you mentioned. For instance friend to lovers, but being that person on class that you always end up talking because of whatever reason and eventually turns into something more.

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