What were the best BLs of 2023?

I mostly only watch Korean BL dramas like - Happy Merry Ending, Jun & Jun was also great, Sing my Crush was hilarious ,A breeze of Love, Unintentional Love Story, Love Mate, Why r u? and of course the k-dramas everyone mentioned. I actually saw Tokyo in April is… and its a really good Japanes BL Drama!


And you have to try City Boy Vlog!


Wait, I completely forgot about it. This one is so good.


Oh, interesting. I didn’t know about this one, but I just read a brief synopsis, and it sounds unique. I’ll add it to my endless list, lol!

I really want to watch this one, but I just haven’t had the time. Maybe I’ll binge it in one go.

Sing My Crush is also on my to-watch list – surprise, surprise. Personally, I didn’t connect with Love Mate, so I stopped after 2 or 3 episodes, but since it is so short, I’ll finish it someday. Maybe it was better than I remember.

Update – Also, also, I didn’t even know about City Boy Vlog, but this looks super interesting. YouTube has some hidden gems when it comes to BLs (like those by STRONGBERRY), but I never remember to look around YouTube.

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Popping in to ask if anyone really loved 2023 Taiwanese BL “Stay by My Side,” because I’m genuinely curious if this made anyone’s best-of-BL list for 2023.

I’ve just started and am only on ep 2, but it’s really giving BL 2016-2018 era cheesiness. It feels like a flashback to oldschool BLs. You know, back in the dark times when I (we?) scoured the internet for news of a new BL, let alone one with (good) subs.

The story is odd, or delivered oddly, and the filming style/quality and acting are clearly at a different (lower?) level compared to modern BLs that have come out in the last year or two. It looks like it’ll have that so-bad-it’s-good sort of feel, and I’m sort of excited to keep watching it.

Let’s wait until the plot is wrapped up until we look for plot holes – there’s a third of runtime (i.e. 4 episodes) left after all.

[N.B. I was tempted to write “at least there is a plot to have holes”, but let’s not speak badly of those plotless BLs]


I totally agree! It’s very frustrating.

Yep, that is what brought me to it. I thought “Oh, sci-fi cop BL? I’m in!”
But it needs a LOT of work. Too much overacting, plotholes out the wazoo, and one ML has only one face for all emotions… when he’s happy, sad, angry… and the only way you know he’s sad is when he has tears, but his face is the same. LOL! Drives me loco!

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I did! It’s actually a line of Taiwan dramas that are sort of looped together… kind of like a series. “You Are Mine,” “VIP only” are a part of the compilation… “AntiReset” is about to air and I believe it’s the final (don’t set that remark in stone, not sure)

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Ohhh, really? I had no idea. I need to be better about keeping up with BL shows and happenings, lol. Thanks for this info! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rainbow_flag:

I Feel You Linger In The Air
Kiseki: Dear to me
Last Twilight
The Sign

Bonjour , moi j’ai beaucoup aimé last Twilight, only Friend, naughty babe, une épaule sur laquelle pleurer, huitième sens , i Can reach you


Thé sign , i feel your linger in the air ,

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I’m just now getting through I Feel You Linger in the Air. I was hesitant to watch because I typically don’t like period dramas, especially those with time travel, lol (exception is the period drama My Roommate’s a Detective — love that one). But it’s just so good, and I’m surprised I love it so much! As I was watching I kept saying “wait… this is actually so good,” lol. I’ve never seen “Jom” in a drama before (I don’t think), so all the talk about his amazing acting is no joke!

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Oui je confirme il a été super moi non plus je ne suis pas trop pour les trucs d’époque mais là j’ai été subjugué du début à la fin j’ai vraiment aimé c’était très beau et jom c’est la première fois que je le vois aussi

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So, I don’t think this is 2023, but 2022 and just came across it. Hands down, I was so impressed by the script. The first Thai BL that used real medical terms and proper medical techniques… with a sound story. It’s like Groundhog Day. A man who keeps going back to the past to fix the future. It’s called “Triage”. Amazing!!!

As for 2023… 2024… Thai version of “Cherry Magic”. I feel it filled in basic plotholes from the Japanese version and gave it another layer. Even the second leads were pretty much on point. LOVED it so much I bought the ■■■■ set. LOL!

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I think my top BL’S of 2023 have to be:
Sing my crush
The eighth sense
I feel you linger in the air
A shoulder to cry on
Love class series 2
Kiseki dear to me
Our dating sim
Only friends [mainly for first and khao storyline]
The sign


Our Dating Sim and A Should to Cry On are my go-to BLs to rewatch when I need a comfort show!


Thanks for the recommendation! I remember hearing about I Feel You Linger in the Air but completely forgot about it and A Shoulder to Cry On. On my Watch List!