When editing compromises accuracy of translation


Thanks, I will. The worse part is; that I’m packing now to put it in a storage room, until they renovate the whole apartment/complex since another private company bought and owns the place now, and after 8 weeks of repair, (and mandatory I have stay at a Hotel for those 8 weeks; paid by the company thankfully).

I have to unpack again! It’s a bit of a nightmare, but I have to do it since I signed the (1) one year lease already. I can’t break the lease nor I want to deal with the courts, and looking for another place.

That’s why I’m throwing out a lot of stuff, and I rather buy new ones for my entire renovated home.


I sometimes watch dramas as I’m packing or cleaning, and on several dramas: Taiwanese and many others, I saw the word ‘‘hit on’’ or ‘‘hitting on you a lot.’’

I wonder if this is a new slang/phrase in other countries or is it really the subber’s preference to use that phrase like that, instead of the other most common one. It was mainly on young kids dramas/movies I watched on Netflix/Prime.

Maybe it was there all this time, but I just noticed now because we spoke about that here on Discussion. I would love to find out the true origin of the phrase ‘‘hitting on you’’ etc.

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