Where is the Coming Soon Page?

Wow, another great improvement from Viki to us! Great!

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It’s okay, it’s still more than just 4-5 channels showing :sweat_smile:

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You can get to page 2 if you add “&page=2” at the end of the URL
For example:

And then change the ‘2’ to a ‘3’ to get to page 3


Indeed, thank you.
It would be better to have a good coming soon section in which we can see all coming soon channels without having to change URL to see everything instead, but still…


Definitely! I miss the TV guide as well… :pensive:


It’s OK for me

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It’s back for me and some… but TV Guide not working for me yet…

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for me not. still the same… i must ad the numbers in the link to get to another page


The old link looks only like this, not like before… yes the link that Mirjam posted with the number on Viki Bug works… so weird… these bugs…

It works like I said. I have to change the number at the end of the link like @kristelrose wrote.
If I want to go from page 1 to 2 it still doesn’t work.


I posted the issue in Community Forum in Help Center, they opened a ticket for me and after responding closed it.

They did not respond to Coming Soon page but said that Viki decided to “sunset” the TV Guide link/page.

I’m surprised it wasn’t answered in the community post since there was another post but decided to answer privately when it concerns the entire community.

Now what, the New on Viki isn’t also accurate… where to find only On Air page… that was also discontinued… I’m flabbergasted that Viki didn’t post this in those monthly updates on Discussions.


what I also miss is the mail icon next to our rofilpic


this just pops up when you klick on community


But you’ll find it in those other white pages, 1 with Dashboard and with your about profile it’s there.
Btw…about Coming Page:

Omg, you saved my life! I worried I might never find this page after they changed some things on the website


In fact, they didn’t tell us, but now they have disabled the option to see the entire page so we can use the Project finder more! In the “Channel manager” tab you can see all the coming soon! Basically now I, see the projects there, since the page is down!


The problem is that if the channel has CM you don’t see it anymore in the project finder. It is good for new channels only, but if a channel gets CM quickly and you miss it, you even won’t know that the channel exists.

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Yes, when a CM comes out, the project goes to the Subtitle tab! As I’m following along, it’s easy to find the projects that come out in CM, they’re the first ones in the subtitle tab! This makes it a lot easier for me, as I don’t think the full Coming Soon page will ever come back!

PS: If come back, great!:smiling_face:

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You can access like this

It is not the best way, but it is what we got.


since yesterday too…
the coming soon page again doesn´t work.

@brendas : do you know something?


I don’t think it’s a bug, I have a haunch Viki did that. It’s the restriction to knowledge ahead.

Also the Categories feature shows limited projects… as if it’s not complete or was never completed…
it’s a bad tool…

I also noticed in Latest release old drama… unless it’s a license extension… I’m not sure what Viki is really doing with the front page… the old pages were so much better… my 2 cents.

“Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken” :sweat_smile: