Who is watching the 2nd Season of LOVE ALARM!



I am reviewing Season 1 so I can start watching Season 2 today! I love this show!

Feel free to discuss Season 1 and cover up spoilers for Season 2.


I forgot to pay attention to when it was being released, I’ll have to rewatch season 1 quickly.

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I just finished it and thought it was perfect. Im surprised people are upset. Healthy relationships for the win!


I’m skimming through Season 1. So I can get to Season 2. My friend had to remind me! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the model so - you know who I’m rooting for! However, I hear the new one starts out kinds DARK we shall see. I’m loving going back through Season 1. I forgot a lot!

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That sounds like I’m going to be unhappy! OH DRATS!



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LOL his character was never likeable!! He stole his best friends girl!


I read a lot into characters. I see pain in him because of his family and how they use him. His mom almost killed him as a little boy. He hates modeling. He was looking for connection. I could write a book about Sun Oh. There is deeper meaning to his character. And their friendship as buddies but it is complicated because his buddies mom worked for their rich family. And they are high schoolers. I hate these dumb love triangles! She truly loved Sun Oh in Season 1. I can’t fathom how she will end up with his buddy Was there any build up of a relationship with the other guy or any chemistry. I’m reading NOPE!

I actually think the toxic person might be JOJO herself.

Welp, I am reading some horrible reviews! What is up with some of these shows! Realizing maybe I should skip Season 2

Fine, I’m going back to watching Mr. Queen

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Ok so if you are vain and want to have a life that don’t belong to you, you would go for the model/actor boy. In this life only in dreams or fantasy world we get to stay with a rich prince and the family will take us with open arms, when we lack so much and worse yet, we are poor. Facing reality is the best thing we do to prove we love ourselves enough to know what’s best for us.

She stayed with the guy she had to stay with in the first place, and he was just perfect for her bc they lived similar painful experiences in life which makes them more susceptible to their emotional needs and they would be able to understand each other during emotional sad or trying days; when the bad memories come back to hunt them. The drama went in circle so I basically was dying for it to finish already.

Each couple stayed with their equal because is what works better in the end. I love that they do compliment each other bc they have such sweet face. I felt it lack in romance and showing emotions but we are lucky that they were able to film the completion of Part 2 with virus and all. The ones giving bad reviews are shallowed, greedy and superficial because when it comes to love; LOVE is more than a good looking face (the guys are all gorgeous anyway). Love is more than getting what you want because you are used to getting what you want. Love needs to be real and unconditional and they had that kind of love. LOVE THE ENDING TOO!!!

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SPOILER don’t read…

I know the ending because I have read the reviews. Everyone has different opinions and I think that is GREAT. That’s what makes the world go around. I did not see Sun Oh character as shallow. I saw more depth in him. It seems like there was compromise over chemistry. And I don’t necessarily think you should stay with someone just because they are “in your social set.” I was not looking at Sun Oh as just a pretty face. I saw a deeply flawed hurting individual from his childhood through his background with his parents neglect. A lot of the reviews I am reading state that they felt “NO” chemistry between the two who got together, at all. I don’t consider myself shallow or greedy. I was not even thinking about her being with him because of his money. The chemistry with them was so good in the first season. I thought that the hurt that both of them felt - worked with each other possibly towards healing them. Even though I get that the best friend also longed for her. A friend of mine who is an AP English/Literature teacher is also not happy with the show. Maybe it was because it was filmed during a tough time. I’m sad because I was looking so forward to it. Once I do sit down and watch it I will decide but it seems like most of the reviews say the show seemed forced after enjoying the first Season. I still say that Sun Oh was more complex of a character, it would be also un-observant of me to think he was only a pretty face.


Well, I was talking about those in the reviews that are so enraged about the outcome but they forget that rich boy betrayed his best friend when he went for the girl he knew very well his friend liked a lot. There is such thing as loyalty to your friends and not betraying them bc it wasn’t like he didn’t know how the other one felt about the girl.

The rich, cute, model guy had everything in life even a girl of his same level in society; madly in love with him (popular and beautiful too!) why not let go of the girl and let his friend be happy? I like how you talk about the pain the cute rich boy faced in his family circle but maybe you don’t know yet the pain of the second boy and the girl?

Maybe you’ll understand once you watch the drama fully, and believe me get ready to be shocked. I hate to think that after those viewers saw the whole story coming from those 2 poor souls, they still felt the rich boy deserved the girl!! They are all cute/good looking in there, and I hope they are NOT saying the second boy is not good looking bc I’ll be very pissed too. Even the shorty guy had such a cute lovable face and personality. That’s why I said these girls in our days are vain bc they are going/rooting for the cutest one of them all.

Because like I said in the first paragraph; they live in a fantasy world and don’t love themselves enough to have pride and accept that the mother actress, and his politician father would have NEVER accepted that poor orphan girl in their life or to have their grandkids from her. It’s obvious the way they express themselves about her that she was looked as a nuisance they had to find a way to keep away from their son.

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Spoilers: Don’t READ

I still don’t feel that Sun Oh had everything in life. His mother almost killed him with drugs in alcohol at a young age, and yes his friend stood by him. His parents were extremely neglectful and they used him. No I don’t know the other guys back story yet except the mother working for the rich family. I think Sun Oh would have given anything to get away from his “embarrassing” family he called it. I guess I’m saying I see him as a little bit more of a complex character that is neither shallow or just “rich” She felt nothing for the other guy when he confessed in the first season. So I have a hard time thinking that she loves him now. But I will see. I also wonder what makes her so special that two guys wait and fight for her two years later or how ever long it was. Some parts of her character are also inherently flawed. I am gonna put it on the back burner as I was so excited today re-watching and reviewing Season 1. Not sure I am ready for it. But maybe I will see it differently once I watch. Just like reading a book. Everyone sees the characters and dynamics differently. Love is sometimes just love even if you love someone outside your social set. Even if the parents would not accept her. Romeo and Juliet tried to stay together though your right and look what happened to them. But “settling” in love makes me sad but maybe that is not what she felt she did. Or vice versa.

(Him stealing the girl, I was not overly upset about that as it’s HS, and I don’t necessarily think he went after her because of “his friend” those things happen in HS and I think he tried to talk it over and he even confessed to his friend)

I guess Agree to Disagree at this point! Ha!

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I think I need to re-watch first part bc I don’t remember that part of drugs and alcohol from the mom and I thought he had a very good rich life.

So rich boy’s mom tried to commit suicide?

PS. There is a part serial killer like that bothered me so much that they put it in the drama since they should have not make it so dark.


Yes, in the first episodes I think the 3rd episode. Mom was busy making herself a drink and adding powdered drugs to it. Then because Sun Oh would not be quiet (he was excited he learned the alphabet in English or something) She tried to drug him (it would have killed him possibly) His buddy did save him and put him to bed where he was crying. The buddy said he would always be by his side. There are several instances where he was used, neglected and hurt by his mother and family. He probably would have preferred not to be RICH No he was not the RICH boy with a good life at all.


ok i wonder why i missed that. gonna rewatch it. i probably was doing something making coffee or cooking, and forgot to rewind.


I remember when they were looking for him, to model, ect he would try to hide. He was definitely not happy in his situation most of the time.


I can’t believe I missed that no wonder everyone wanted him with her if he had gone through hell too.


Yep! I’m not totally CRAZY! hahahahahaha! If you watch how his mother treats him…and he tells JoJo that his family is so embarrassing. His mom loved herself more than him. Well, if you rewatch you will see. Maybe not change your mind but see what I am talking about when it comes to how I felt about Sun Oh’s character



Just because you have had hardship, doesn’t give you permission to do whatever you want. People with family trauma can still be considered unlikeable, selfish, and toxic. A product of the environment? Maybe, but that cant be healed by a mere romantic relationship. That puts a lot on the other person, especially if they have trauma of their own.

I never viewed Sun Oh as a protagonist and got pretty upset when him and Jojo progressed in their relationship in S1. He was selfish with Hye Young and selfish with Jojo. An important aspect of relationships (including friendships) to be sustainable? RECIPROCITY. People cant just take and take and expect things to stay that way. I was really glad Hye Young was able to express himself finally at the end of S1 to Jojo. Thats the kind of love she needs.

Jojo feeling unworthy of the relationship is a real thing. In western culture, we find it ridiculous because we value individualism and get our esteem from ourselves. In other cultures, you get your esteem from your community and how they view you. In a collectivist society like South Korea, status means a lot and that is why it is always a problem area in K-dramas.

What I am objecting to is the fact that the character is handsome and i think that is what is making his behavior in both seasons okay to a lot of people. When you go back and watch, he really isn’t likeable even with heartbreaking story. While Sun Oh is very attractive, I couldnt possibly put up with his behavior, which i think was consistent across the 2 seasons