Why are there SO many problems with people dubbing Spanish over English?

Recently there seems to be an epidemic of people dubbing Spanish over the English dubbing in many of the popular dramas. I REALLY feel sorry for the hard working volunteers who’s work is destroyed in some cases before they can even finish. Is there no way Viki can lock access to the subtitling tools for a particular show so only those who are registered can access them? Besides ruining someone’s work it simply slows down the whole process if I understand how it works. What is the point of all of this rudeness?

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Hi, Agree with you, You might be interested in this -----> http://discussions.viki.com/t/subtitle-and-segment-abusers/519/23?u=niennavalar

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Though it’s not difficult to switch the subs back, it does take up time.
People don’t know what they’re doing, I guess.

It would be interesting to have a subtitle lock, of sorts. There’s one for segmenters (if you request it) so that only seggers who are added to the team can access the timer. Sometimes it’s an abuse thing, and people who shouldn’t be on the channel are subbing, so a sub lock could help.

But sometimes I think it’s just carelessness, and subbers don’t change the language fields…maybe. In that scenario, I think it’d be nice to have a lock to other languages whilst English translations take place (similar to how videos can be locked to subbers until segmenting is done).

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