Why do fans root for TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS? Main Lead/ Second Lead Debate

oh dear, we disagree on something else :sob::joy: I didn’t feel enough chemistry in any of PMY’s dramas. I was bored to death with Her Private Life, dragged myself through WWSK and Healer was the only drama I actually liked her in. She was good with JCW. :heart_eyes:

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Oh - Go To You When The Weather is Nice! Seo Kang Joon - Just give me COCOA and fire and I’ll watch it all day long! hahahahaha! Our Opinions make the kdrama world go around


Yes! It would be a sad world if some dramas got zero attention because everybody liked it and other had no viewers. Even though it completely boggles my mind that there are people who have LOVED six-star rated shows… without them, there’s be no spice in life and most drama companies would go out of business! :joy:


I agree 100% the idea that women should stay with toxic men to “fix” them is horrible. Is that what we truly want for our daughters, sisters, aunts, etc? I almost always hope that the director will choose the SL, especially in Boys Over Flowers. I hate that as soon as I see who the richest, most powerful, most toxic jerk is in a drama I know that he will “get the girl.”

I am hoping for a sequel to BOF where Jan-di gets divorced from Jun-pyo and marries Ji-hoo instead.


LMAO all Lee Minho’s fans will REVOLT! :joy::joy:
come to think of it, he usually plays those rich male jerk roles a lot…


Right? :rofl::joy:


Exactly, people absorb what they see in dramas :thinking:.


Another Ms. Oh has one of the most toxic plotline. Along with Flower of Evil, the ML was a violent sociopath. Don’t understand why people were rooting for the ML’s. Earlier this week saw a post from a news blogger that people were signing a petition for a criminal who killed a mother and her baby while street racing to be set free because he was good looking. There is no rhyme or reason to that kind of logic other than the fact some people are just crazy.


I have a scenario to lay out from the most recent drama I watched. Mostly I just needed to get it off my chest because it was bothering me so much, but I was also curious about how others might take it. It’s a bit convoluted, so bear with me as I try to set it up…

First up, we have the second lead female, who has been obsessing after the main male lead for over 10 years, of course. We also have a secondary male character who happens to be the younger brother of the male lead but who also happens to be obsessing after the second female lead. You following so far? We learn through some expository dialogue that at some point prior to the starting point of the drama, male lead was studying and/or working in various places around the world, and apparently second female lead followed after him to many of these places (not sure if there was a purpose other than just being an obsessive stalker. I skipped some of this dialogue).

So the actual scene involves this secondary male and second female. He has been trying to convince her to give him a chance, as he has loved her for so long. To prove this, he has given her a stack of boarding passes and post cards, and he explains that he was actually following HER around to all these places (while she was following older brother, ML around), and collecting all these mementos of places they had been ‘together’. Supposedly this proved just how much he loved her, and for how long. SOMEHOW, the female was actually touched by this and DID actually find this sweet and romantic!!! :astonished:

Now, let me tell you, it had been pretty well established at that point in the drama that both of these characters were completely crazy/delusional/possibly sociopathic. Given this, I wasn’t sure if the writers were just trying to accentuate how psycho these people are, or if they truly meant for this to be a romantic gesture. Thankfully, most of the timed comments suggested that everyone agreed with me that it was creepy and disturbing, but it made me wonder how others might perceive it. The ‘love’ story of these two characters plays a pretty big role in this drama, and I just could never get behind it or even be interested in it. It was disturbing in so many ways. (And this is coming from someone who does usually root for the ‘bad boy’, but I guess definitely not when the one trying to ‘fix’ him is just as broken) Thoughts?


<sarcasm.>I mean, they’re both obsessive psychopaths, so maybe it’s fate and not at all toxic?</sarcasm.>


Thoroughly appreciate the sarcasm. :joy:


Did you watch the whole drama? He isn’t a violent sociopath. His whole family, his real one, his fake one, his new one… everyone, including his psychopath dad, could testify to that.
The writers did it on purpose… no viewer was truly able to root for him because we were constantly in a state of doubt. We trusted him one minute and didn’t the next.

His psychologist diagnosed him as a psychopath because of his aggression. It’s only when FL inquires into the matter that she finds out that he became aggressive only when someone tried to take his MP3 player, and that was because it was the only point of contact he had with his mother— it was a recording of his mom singing him a lullaby.

His own sister witnesses to the fact that he was the quietest, sweetest little boy who was subject to consistent torture as a child because of traditional superstitious beliefs.

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It’s an agree to disagree. Torturing someone to keep a secret and your family while not knowimg certain emotions and pretending as if you do does not make someone a good person. Drama was more melodrama than thriller.

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I felt like I loved the story and the entire thing but I definitely do not “covet the FL’s husband.” There are certain dramas where I go “Mannn this guy is my ideal type!” and I didn’t feel that at all with this ML. I love LJG as a person and an actor… this character was interesting, but not someone to fantasize over.

I’m glad the writers didn’t romanticize him. It was pretty gritty to go through and I would classify it a real thriller because it had my heart pounding a lot.

The timed comments had people rooting for the ML over his looks…
As a whole it didn’t feel thriller-ish to me. To each their own. I wanted to watch crime/mystery/thriller, this drama didn’t satisfy that. The story was him just running around hoping his wife doesn’t find out his identity while she does and does not work the case. And they made her awfully clingy in the flashbacks. Drama wasn’t for me.


This really bothered me in that drama. I mean, as a professional you know that people throw around the terms ‘psychopath’ and ‘sociopath’ way too often (it’s referred to as Anti Social Personality Disorder now by health professionals). Shouldn’t you be more careful with diagnosing him? You might put him on the spectrum of ASPD, but you’d do more research, especially since ASPD is as ambiguous as it is :expressionless:. I know people get the wrong diagnoses all the time, but these kind of thing irk me :neutral_face:.


I know, right? That player may have been an obscure little thing, but observing him for enough time should have made the psychologist realize that he has a trigger!
I felt subtly satisfied when FL called the psychologist and yelled at her, but I was pretty upset at the same time :persevere::disappointed_relieved: It hurt his whole life!

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Oh, no, yo las odio.
Estuve en una relación tóxica y no se lo deseo a nadie, cuando se dan relaciones así entre los protagonistas, siempre quiero que se cambie la pareja por algún secundario que es mucho mejor persona.

Pero en Flower of evil, si la ves completa, en realidad no era un hombre violento, solo era introvertido, tal vez algo autista, pero no violento, aunque todos pensaron eso.

Jaja, si, pero si miras la de Boys over flowers y luego la versión china Meteor garden, en la china hay más violencia psicológica creo yo.

Siii, romantizan mucho esa idea y luego las mujeres se tragan eso de que el hombre va a cambiar por ella y se queda esperando en la vida real.

Ohh, a mí me encantó, la dejé en mi lista de “volver a ver”

Yo a veces dudo si no me gustó el actor, o estuvo tan bien actuado el personaje desagradable que me cayó mal jaja.

Opino lo mismo.

Me pareció genial el final, pero mas o menos la trama.