I’m just curious because lately every week I get one or 2 PM’s in a language I don’t know.
This week I got Spanish and Portuguese messages but I have received messages in French, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, German, Italian, Russian, Thai, Greek, Japanese and many more.
It always makes me think like “and you expect me to Google Translate while you don’t even bother?”. But some really seem to assume you know their language while you clearly don’t and are not willing to understand you don’t.
I even had an incident where I got a message in Portuguese so I replied in my native language (I usually do so as a hint if I decide to not just ignore) they should write me in a language I know. Then I got a reply in Portuguese again that she didn’t understand what I said. Because I was in a good mood I replied in English (she wanted to help out in Portuguese so I told her to PM the Portugese moderator). And still that person writes me in Portuguese that she’s waiting for my reply. I was so done I decided to ignore it but then I received a message again with the same question, and again, and again, then it was quiet and this week there was a PM again…seriously!
What is your experience with messages in a language you don’t know? Do you reply or will you simply ignore?