A&C meaning

Can someone tell me what A&C means because I’m a bit confused.


A&C = Adjusted & Combined.

It’s when segmenters are done fixing the subtitles synchronization with the audio. This situation happens when the episodes come with subtitles and segmenters don’t segment, but correct segments.

Subtitlers or OL moderators don’t need this info.
It’s generally useful for the segmentation team, the English team and Channel Manager.

  1. Segmenters post “Ep … A&C” then
  2. Chief segmenter posts “Ep … QC” = Quality checked (I think it’s that…) then
  3. Translation editor posts “Ep … TE done” (translation edition) then
  4. General editor posts “Ep … GE done” (general edition) then
  5. Chief editor posts “Ep … ready for all languages” when he finished editing
    (6. CM or Chief editor sends a PM informing other languages that the ep is released.)

Thank you so much! It’s my first time being a CM and I was so confused.

and when the chief segmenter is the one who posted the A&C? Am I supposed to contact the editor now or do they do it by themselves?

Gefeliciteerd met je eerste CM project :grinning:

The principle:
When an episode is fully A&C by segmenters (all parts of the episode are A&C), the Chief Segmenter goes after the segmenters to re-check a last time. They call this a “QC” from the Chief segmenter.

The Chief segmenter can also participate in the A&C process with other segmenters:

Segmenter A: 1.1 A&C
Segmenter B: 1.2 A&C
Segmenter C: 1.3 A&C
Chief segmenter: 1.4 A&C

=> the Chief segmenter still needs to re-check 1.1 until 1.3 later, so it’s not finished.

If the Chief segmenter says A&C for 1 full episode (he A&C every part of the episode by himself and not only 1 or 2 parts), it means that the TE (Translation Editor) can be @ in Team Discussions, because there’s no one who is going to re-check segments after the Chief segmenter.

When participating in a project, every editor knows he has to check Disqus every day. It’s still better to @the editor whose turn is next though, he might have many Team Discussions to check.

If you’re not sure whether the whole episode was QCed (or A&C) by the Chief Segmenter, either you can check in Team Discussions, either you can always ask your Chief Segmenter. There’s nothing to lose.

Usually, the segmenting and English editing teams work one after the other and communicate between themselves so the CM doesn’t have to @someone (that’d be bothersome for you!). If you don’t know how they will communicate or who will @who, you can inquire them about it or ask them when they’re done if they could @the next person in the chain (+@you or not) so the workflow is more efficient that way for your drama.