A Crazy Little Thing Called Love needs contributors!

Hi everyone!
I’m writing this to find contributors for A Crazy Little Thing Called Love!

The channel has been created long time ago but some videos weren’t no long available and the others are bad to write subtitles..:frowning:
Since I love this movie I uploaded a new video from youtube.
Now we need to segment this video and subtitle it again!

The original channel manager isn’t no more available on viki so I’ll ask to the viki stuff if I can replace him…
in the meanwhile you can ask through the help center to be moderator, subber or segmenter for this movie!

I hope you want to collaborate to restore this wonderful movie!

I’ve noticed a few days ago that the video I uploaded, segmented and translated into italian as been removed from youtube so I provided to upload another video (not damaging subtitles and segments) but now the video needs the segments to be fixed.is someone intrested? Because I don’t have time for this now…:frowning: