A Viki Directory

Viki, we need a directory! A place where if I need a TE, GE, or specific language moderator, I can find them with ease. This would be nice to have. @vikicommunity @brendas

Instead of them looking for us, we can look for them when building a team is a priority!!

A directory that has our name, our first job on Viki, a second job on Viki, and maybe even a third or fourth. Then next to this, your last activity (so we know they are still active). So, if I need a Korean TE, I can type Korean TE… and for those with Korean TE listed as their 1st job, I can determine who and what I need. If that doesn’t work, I can search Korean TE as the second job… etc… Of course, those inactive would fall to the bottom.

kakashiandme: 1. English CE, 2. English GE, 3. Korean TE, 4. Chinese TE, 5. Channel Manager

This would save me and others time from going back to old channels and searching TEs… who sadly are inactive and/or are too busy.

This has been bothering me and a few others who are actively searching for team members. This would save time. Also, it would help some language subbers looking for a moderator. Just recently, Lil and I had a subber wanting to join our team, but her language which used to be popular, has fallen to the bottom and she can’t start without a moderator. I’m sure there are some moderators in existence, but where does she look.

This is just a start and I’m sure other Vikians have some thoughts or better ideas. But, gosh darn it, a directory would be nice to have. Might even help us find certain Vikians who we can’t remember their names but we know what they do but their names are at the tip of our tongues. Just another way to help us find lost long Vikians who might still be active.

Just an idea in my head…


This is for sure a great idea! Actually, I remember that when I joined Viki in February 2021, there was still an old database page with contributors, looking a bit like a spreadsheet with filters, but a few months later the page was closed. It wasn’t too functional anyway but it could have been a great start. So they actually can create something like a public database where we can find easily the contributors we need. I’m really surprised that after so many years, there is no such thing in a community… this is a primordial tool to have in a community space. Those very active are already on an external online communication application but we know that not everyone wants to join the D*****d, so we should really have the possibility to find easily the contributors like we do now with the channels; we have the Project Finder and the rest of the library. The same should be for contributors.


This is really a great idea and Viki can do this for sure. I read this somewhere before, Viki already has badges for this and that. It can simply make those badges a hyperlink to a table or database and show us who have received those badges. This also makes things simple for us contributors here.

Or, there’s Project Finder already. Currently, all projects are listed on Project Finder. Viki can make it in such a way that only projects that have a moderator are listed. We can easily filter out projects with a moderator and contact them.

There really are multiple ways to do this simple job. Viki just has to implement.


Viki previously had:

  1. A list of top 20 contributors per each language,
  2. Contributor Finder which hadn’t been updated systematically already in 2014 when I joined.

Here is a post of mine on “Suggestions”, from 2018, asking to revamp the existing directory that had serious issues. It just needed some tweaks. Instead, it was dumped completely.


A directory would be definitely awesome.
Hope this suggestion is accepted soon.
It’d save us time and effort.