All Hair is Good Hair

Hi :raising_hand_woman:t5: :blush: @angelight313_168,
W😧w! Such a hair journey, and now your niece.
Two YouTubers immediately come to mind, the one in the start of this thread, and Mercy Gono. I suggest you contact them via their IG if you also have an IG. You can also contact them via their listed email on YouTube.

They are both professionals with the products that works not only for them but others, and other hair types.

The Aloe Vera plant is going to play a big role in stimulating hair growth. This info is from my watching Mercy Gono’s channel. :jamaica:Jamaican Black Castor Oil is another source of oil for growth stimulation from her channel.

Since the oils you mentioned helped your hair,

I do believe you’ll be adding more oils to aid in hair growth for you, and for when your niece hair starts it’s regrowth journey.

Hair types differ according to our genes, but it’s quite interesting we can use the same products, for the same results! :wink::+1:t5: Kinda like food, and water ha! :smile: No matter our “race” what our body does with it all, is what God intended, health, and growth! :sparkles::wink:!

I’ll be right back with the links :sparkles::wink: okay, here are a few links from Mercy Gono’s channel, but please go to her channel, and check out her playlists about hair. There you, and your niece can scroll throw, and see which topic you need on your hair journey.

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Thank you so much I need this info too for my younger boy who has thick very wavy hair and wanted an afro style (confessed he wasn’t washing it), and his hair is now falling out by the bunches. I cut out all the knotted area and sadly made a mess in his hair. We used CANTU conditioner SALERM 21 and is not working for him. He refuse to go to a Hair Salon so I’m a nervous wreck bc of all the hair he’s losing too.


You are on a hair journey like no other :rofl: Now stop and take stock of what not to do, and what to do :joy::+1:t5: This will vastly change the trajectory of your hair journey. :joy::rofl: We’re talking two generations now, yup! It’s time for a :woman_in_lotus_position:t2:zen moment, before any further action on your part :rofl:
I also think what we eat is a strong contributor to our good hair’s health = growth. So, you may have to gather info on eating for your hair’s health.


What a coincidence I make rice water for my complexion never knew is good for hair.The smell from rice water I finally got a solution! thanks a lot.

My boy is a big eater and healthy eating only happens when I cook but lately he eats at work so I know he must be eating a lot of junk food :cry:


I almost forgot MaryJane Byarm, she has traveled extensively, and met with other countries’ hair products. The green bottle thumbnail, featured in this first link, got my attention. It’s from India, if I remember correctly.

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“A woman who constructed the foundation of self hair-care and blew the doors of entrepreneurship wide open.”


I would have sued the school district. Cutting his hair is assault and battery.

Oh! That reminds me of my younger sister! She had gorgeous jet black hair down to her knees when she was a kid. One day mom came home and found out that her sister was jealous and cut off her hair to her neck. It was a wonder that mom didn’t beat the crap out of her sister for that. Her hair was never that long again and it grew in curly instead of board straight.


Currently up Live
Her hubby helps loc her hair :laughing: the comments in “chats” makes it interactive :smile:

I don’t think we have such a thing here and I also don’t think it was a public school :thinking:

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I love the locs on these two women. You can wear it loose, or in any other style daily. (:heart::heart: ✿)


AND (:heart::heart: ✿) :heart: (:heart::heart: ✿) :heart: (:heart::heart: ✿)


Embracing our gray hairs.
Video is 2:49 short

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You’ll love the girls thought on others’ views.
Vid is 9:29


Dr. Alena Maze - as.maze, on IG

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I color my hair since I am 14. I don’t like my natural haircolor and I had also at once 12 different hair colors and now I have 4 at the same time. I color my hair often, but not this oftenn as when I hade verrrrrrrrry short hair. As freshly entered 20 years I colored my hairs every two weeks with other colors or recolored and I am happy I NEVER HAD BROKEN hair.
Also I don’t know any color which I didn’t have till now…
I am not affraid of cuting my hair and I think thats a huge pro. If my hair must gone so be it.
The products which were shared I don’t know, because we don’t have them here.
Oils are not good for mine I can say. I have many and all say thick hair and loose many at a day that is what is getin on my nerve xd
And even now after all these years I mever had to cut my hair vecause they were “broken”.
I am glad when products work and hope for everyone the best. What angers .e when good products (for my liking) get out of the store, because they say no one wanted them v.c


Me too, just when you find the products that get good results, not long after, that very line of product is discontinued. :woman_shrugging:t5:


Beautiful Braids
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OMG :astonished: Not only beautiful but look at the perfection of the even pattern and shape, it looks almost like a perfectly knitted sweater, this is amazing, but it looks so good because the lady must have a nice shape of skull, not everyone has that. - What’s funny she is using her angle shaped nails instead of a comb or just fingers. But that would hurt my head so tight braided hair… just having a tight ponytail after some hours hurts me…
how does it look when you release them (the braids) :rofl:… she has such long hair!!!

She could very well portray a sci-fi character :space_invader: :alien:

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:smiley: My amazement too! :joy::joy::laughing::smile:
People have such talents I tell ya’! :grinning: A work of art, :art: and heart. :heart:

Since her natural hair was straightened chemically, or with a hot comb, or iron, before the braiding, she’ll have waves. They won’t last long though, unless set with a setting spray. If her natural hair was not straightened, she’d likely not need the setting spray, and the waves could be styled with just her fingers for many types of styles. :blush:

Very well indeed! :joy:

Semi-Free Form Locs

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Her reaction to her new hairstyle. :blush:

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