[Announcement] 2017 Summer Sub-a-thon!

@nik_os Great, I will wait for a pm then regarding what I asked you

I had too much editing work to be able to make subtitles. So my count is not impressive at all, (2700 or something) given that editing is muuuuch slower than subbing. But I couldn’t possibly leave my duties for a week, when there were so many episodes still not ready :disappointed:


2700 edits in a week not impressive? :stuck_out_tongue: I’m shooketh.

@irmar You don’t stop to amaze me.
@nik_os Believe me there are people here that can subtitle or edit super fast, in a week they can finish three or four one hour long episodes of a series. That means about 4.000 subtitles.

If you count the number of hours I put into it, it’s not. In the same time I spent editing, I would have turned out at least double the number of subtitles if subbing or segging.

If you’re a quick typist and an experienced translator as I am, fingers fly - unless of course the drama is full of legal or medical terms.
Editing, on the other hand, is a detailed, time-consuming and often very boring job, which can take something like 4 hours or more for an episode. It involves things like typos and formatting, searches on websites, questions to other team members on Team Discussion if you have a doubt, returning to past episodes to revise past instances of the same word, choosing among different - wildly different at times! - versions of OST lyrics, taking difficult decisions.

That’s why you will not see me make viki first page among the most prolific contributors.
One hopes that, if not the numbers, at least the quality of the result is impressive. But even that is unattainable. Because, no matter the amount of care you put into it, there will ALWAYS things you left out, and which jump to the eye if you look at it again after a few days. A humbling experience.

But this is O.T. so I’ll stop here. :slight_smile: If you want the details of the difference between subbing and editing, let’s take it to another thread.


When will the badges be added to our profiles @camiille? As a badge collector I might be a bit impatient :grin:


I heard someone saying on Tuesday, but not from official source… it will take some days as they will compile that list and introduce the gifts… :heart_eyes:


Thank you everyone who participated in this year’s Summer Sub-a-thon. Hope you all had fun! I also appreciate all the feedback everyone has given.

We are in the process of reviewing the list of segmenters and subtitlers who participated, and implementation of the badges will follow.

[EDIT] UPDATE: We’re wrapping up reviewing the list, and badges are estimated to be implemented next week (Sep 4~Sep 9).

Viki Community Team


I’d like to know too!

Hmm. How to measure the productivity of a good editor. :slight_smile:

I guess…it’s not really how many subs or seg count for this really. Editors are poor candidates for the “sub-a-thon”…even though we may rack up some of each category in our work.

I’m not sure I did 1000 of either this week - probably combined, easily, as I seem to average about 11k of something every month, more or less.

I suppose better measures of editors would be -

  1. Release of episodes, in order, as quickly as they may, ONLY ONCE FULLY EDITED!
  2. Staying in communication with the English team - regarding any nuances or plot twists/changes they detect to aid the sub process. The Editor may indeed be the one person with the “big picture” that makes context for all the subbers in their smaller pieces of the puzzle… :slight_smile:
  3. Feedback to segmenting folks as needed.
  4. The overall look and quality of the final product. Are there typos, or cows in the kowtows? Do the T/N make sense and are the basic and intrinsic meanings maintained?
  5. Responsiveness to questions by OL folk as they follow the English team forward through the drama.

Most of this is not very measurable - although keeping pace, more or less, with a Team doing oh, about 10 or more eps a week would indeed be, yes, measurable. :slight_smile: Also sleep-destroying… :slight_smile: but not begrudged, far from it. :slight_smile: I personally treasure the experiences on all my dramas…but the ones that pushed me the hardest, yes, I value the most. :slight_smile:

Anyway - since I am taking it relatively easy at the moment and coming off a competition recently, I think I’ll let the powers that be meditate on how they might run the likely “first-ever” editing contest around here - and meanwhile, consider perhaps pointing out the quality vs well, other things that might be present elsewhere…

GeNie of the Lamp The Elemental of Editing. POOF!

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AHHHH! I had two girls from Japan sleeping at my house and a bunch of homework, but I made it! Anyways… I actually came to say that the badge is unbelievably cute!! >u< Thank you, I really like these events!


I would really like to see that “cute” badge too after 1207 subs… how come others have it already?

I’m also missing a badge as I did both subs and segments. At the moment I only have the sub badge.

I’m really curious about the Top 100 and the winners! And how many subtitles/segments they did. Please Viki, let us know, who is in! :wink:


The badge is so sweet, it brought a smile to my face!


Thank you for my 2 Sub-a- thon badges for segmenting and subbing. It was fun, and at the same time I acquired more experience since I challenged myself to seg different language dramas (which I never did before).

I forgot to keep tabs on how much I did but I know i did a lot more than the minimum. But yes, they should give us some info as to who did what. I mean, if is not too much work, since we really don’t know how many worked here to earn the badges.

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Me too. Most people I talked too where in for the badges and only did the minimum amount needed. Including myself. So I should not be on that list but since most people I know only seemed to have done the minimum, who will be on that list?! :wink:


D-3 and still counting or hoping for that badge… I’m curious about the counting system (do you check by highest count or by alphabet of users, probably not since I looked) that some have it and some don’t yet… and I’m kinda disappointed, meaning this takes really the fun part away! @camiille
PS I made screen shots if you need them.
Updates:"chicken flew in my badge box, whatever the issue was… but I got it today, yupie!!
chick chick… :hatching_chick::hatched_chick::baby_chick:


sounds interesting…and it shows your commitment to viki/Rakuten lol

Hi @simi11,

I’m sorry to hear about that, but I’d be happy to look into it for you. I have sent you a Private Message (PM).

Viki Community Team