As a QC can I do more than 1 project at the same time?

I was recently wondering if I could do more than 1 project at the same time because I am working as a subtitler on the drama Love Like White Jade, however I want to work on a different drama. If anybody knows, can you please let me know if they will let me participate in this new project even though I am already doing one.

As a Gold QC, you can have 5 unfinished channels at the same time. Sure, you can try applying for a second one. But, personally, since you have just a few contributions, I recommend you finish the current one. Once you have a history of 4-5 finished channels you can go for more at the same time. But this is just my recommendation and as a CM I wouldn’t appoint a newbie that already has a costume drama channel on a second channel until they don’t finish that first one. But this is just me, you can try your luck for a second channel (maybe an easier one).


Thank you for your fast reply and advice. I have applied for dramas with only 9-12 episodes because I am working on a 38 episode drama.

So far you are only added as a Subber without Moderator…
This should be changed, could cause problems for you and the CM’s.

Perhaps you should first read through all of Viki’s information on the individual tasks at Viki.

Yes, you can, and it’s okay if you do. Many people do it. However it recommended to have no more than one on-air drama. If the other is what Viki calls a “library drama” (an older one, with no rush and deadlines) then there shouldn’t be any problems. But of course it all also depends on the time you have available and how many people are on the team.
I don’t recommend more than 2 or 3 projects, though, because you have to keep track of the plot, the character’s names and titles and so many other details.

If you are NOT part of a team and you are translating all alone (some people of less popular languages do that), then it’s a different story. In that case, having more than one project could make the progress too slow. Again, it depends on the time you can dedicate to Viki - not all cases are the same.