Badges: Who thought they were a good idea, and where do you go to earn some of them?

Okay, Badgers, I’m kind of excited. It looks as if I will be part of a team working on subs for a new C-drama starting tomorrow; I will be cleaning up “pre-subs” under the careful mentoring of @worthyromance.

I am, on her advice, trying to “tart up” my profile page (specifically “About Me”) which apparently accepts certain parts of HTML5.

That’s cool. However, the last time I worked fairly confidently with HTML coding was when I created a blog back in about 2010. Oh, the joys of of trying to size things or align things or color things the way I wanted but failing for lack of a properly placed semi-colon or an over-abudance of spaces within brackets or a lack of a forward slash someplace.

At the moment, I’m experiencing frustration with looking and looking at my profile page and not immediately “getting” why I can’t “prettify” it the way I want.

Is there someplace on the Internet that I can go in order to be able to use the source code Viki likes and see the visual result next to it . . . and then (when I have things looking the way I want) take all of it and pop it into the Viki online editor?


@worthyromance she is my people! 1st person I met on VIKI! You will be WELL taken care of!


How much gimbap do you think I can get out of the deal? Scallion pancakes? Lettuce wraps?

I shouldn’t talk; I had chocolate milkshakes for supper (made with tofu and almond milk and stevia and coconut oil–very tasty and nutritious.


w3 school has a try it editor


congratulations!! Hope you have fun volunteering! I’d love to work on a project together sometime in the future!

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look for Piranna’s comment…
hope this helps a bit :muscle::+1: if not there is google too…


Slightly pulling my hair out.

In the “About Me” portion of my Viki profile, I am trying use the built-in editor to center a PNG file (which I have saved to Google photos) under a chunk of text.

Obviously, not all HTML5 coding is applicable when setting up a Viki profile page, but I cannot figure out how I am supposed to center any image using the HTML coding which is allowed.

These days, where any element on a web page goes is governed by HTML, and what it looks like is governed by CSS.

Inline and embedded CSS info is deprecated in HTML5, but there is no mechanism for sort of attaching a separate little style sheet for use with my “About Me.”

The built-in editor allows me to click on images and change the size, and I can align images either left or right, but I can’t do anything else.

So currently I am baffled as to how to do what in my mind is a very simple thing. Any suggestions?


Just for testing I did a bit of editing.
To get the image in my profile to position where I want it I put it in a paragraph mark up and just add a left margin to however much pixels I want the image to appear.

It doesn’t seem to accept the <center> markup
<p style=“margin-left:200px”><img src=“Your image here” style=“height:336px; width:337px” /></p>

You can also select the image and press the indent button and it will put it in a paragraph markup but it only works in increments of 40px


Konichiwa, Onion-sama! Things are now looking, to my eye, centered. (I’m viewing on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3.)

So I will continue to play with my profile and see what happens.


I have just spent three hours re-doing my profile. I got all my “stuff” in that I think will truly introduce me and my personality and what I have to offer the Viki community.

But in the process, I did and re-did HTML code, ended up with weird formatting that took a long time to get rid of because I couldn’t easily find the bits that were causing problems, AND at one point ended up with tabs open showing three different versions of my profile.

And despite my carefully adding code to center and space things, they aren’t centered and spaced. But considering that the last time I seriously messed with HTML code was in 2009, I think everything looks decent.

And I thank everyone for encouraging me to come out of hiding and show folks that I do have a little something something to contribute.


Is there anything we can help you with?

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just remember that the updates of whatever you change doesn’t always happen right away on your profile page… even if you just change 1 thing and you go on “preview” it will not show right away… that’s what happens to me, and no it’s not a question of internet speed… it takes patience and check later if it worked.


At this point, basic information is up, and I don’t think there are any typos. @worthyromance has emphasized that I need to create a good sense of my personality, interests, and abilities, and I have done my best. I will probably go back and tweak things in a few days.

Feel free to take a look and give feedback.


In your poem you seem to have pasted the same line twice
See these bloody, broken hands? When am I not fighting?

The pictures are not showing.

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I can’t see any of the pictures, though :thinking:
Just a suggestion, idk if it’ll be helpful: You could learn a little more by looking at other volunteers’ profile pages. If you press Ctrl + U while you’re on their About Me section, the entire HTML code for the webpage opens up in a new link. You’ll have to scroll past all the Viki coding till you get to the person’s code.

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Thanks to you and to @ninjas_with_onions for taking a look. I redid everything, and it looks okay now.

You know those small scenes in every K-drama where someone expresses intense frustration by grabbing his or her hair and scrambling it into a mess?

That’s how I fee at the momentl.

Looking at coding for other profiles is a good idea. My biggest concern is that, whatever coding I use, when I click the “Source Code” button, it is hard to check because the built-in editor has no word wrap.

Where there is a lot of formattted text, or where I have inserted a graphic file from Google Photos (which adds a long string of letters, numbers, and special characters), everything under the “Source Code” view is impossible to scan through unless I cut and paste everything to Notepad or another text editor.

Meanwhile, it seems as if the C-drama I am supposed to work on is available on Viki, but I have not yet received instructions about how to access the pre-subs.

Everything in life has a learning curve. Sigh.


You’ll get there!^^ Fighting!
What device are you using? It’s fairly easy for me to check the source code on a laptop by moving two fingers simultaneously across the track pad.

Go to the episodes section and click the little pencil icon.

If you’ve been added to the team, the subtitle editor will open up for you.
Make sure you know which episodes you’re supposed to work on. If there are segmenters correcting the segments before you can start working on the episode, check the Team Discussions tab of the Editor to see updates on the workflow.
I’m sorry for going off topic :grimacing:
You got me completely addicted to HTML coding and my About Me page :sweat_smile: I’m experimenting on everything!

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This what I saw in my inbox “this afternoon” (which was yesterday, since I see that in my time zone it is now 3:14 AM on Tuesday, June 29 (Viki has given my insomnia a sense of purpose).


I clicked on the link and went to this page.


I don’t know what the statement next to the warning symbol means:

“Subtitles in this language are complete and the channel staff have locked them from further edits. Please contact the Channel Manager if you wish to make edits.”

I clicked on the tab that says “Team Discussion,” and I introduced myself.


I have gotten no response. I have no clue where to go or what to do at this point. @worthyromance has said that she will answer any questions (bless her, she is a super-busy person). However, I don’t know what is supposed to be happening OR what I am supposed to be doing at this point.

Regarding coding, this is what I see on my Microsoft Surface Pro.


I have never been able to “get” using a track pad, so I have it turned off. Because the built-in editor has no word wrap, and because the start of many lines of code look exactly the same, it is a challenge to locate which line of code I am interested in fixing or copying. So I highlight, cut and paste EVERYTHING into a text editor such as Notepad that DOES have word wrap.

Ten years ago, when websites and webpages were not expected to perform all the feats of magic that they do now, it was fairly easy to create code and get it to work, but these days, not so much.

So, in my time zone, I probably need to lie down and take a nap and get up in a couple of hours to see what is going on with subs . . .


That’s because the trailer’s subbing is complete. After all the subbing is over and the Mod/CE finishes checking it, they lock the episode so others can’t change anything. Since you’re still a trainee without any contributions, you don’t have the power to unlock episodes. And anyway, you don’t need to unlock the trailer videos.
To go to your episode from the trailer editor:
Click the “Episode 1” button at the bottom left of the page.
Now click on Episode 2 and it will take you there :smile:

As I said before, you can also access your episode by clicking on the pencil icon.
The only thing now that will stop your access to episodes is when it’s being segmented. You’ll get this error message:
As soon as the Chief Segmenter unlocks the video for the subbers, it will be available to you. I think your Episode 2 will be open because bjohnsonwong said she’s done with the quality check.


Wh :rofl: W! So volunteers are under lock, and key :closed_lock_with_key: and all that stuff that goes into transporting people found in the movie “Con Air” hmmmm. . . :face_with_hand_over_mouth::laughing::joy::rofl: That visual makes me wanna be like these pandas :thinking: Screenshot_20210623-193830_(1)
Yup! It’s all about the team work, makes the dream work! :fist:t5:!!