Okay, Badgers, I’m kind of excited. It looks as if I will be part of a team working on subs for a new C-drama starting tomorrow; I will be cleaning up “pre-subs” under the careful mentoring of @worthyromance.
I am, on her advice, trying to “tart up” my profile page (specifically “About Me”) which apparently accepts certain parts of HTML5.
That’s cool. However, the last time I worked fairly confidently with HTML coding was when I created a blog back in about 2010. Oh, the joys of of trying to size things or align things or color things the way I wanted but failing for lack of a properly placed semi-colon or an over-abudance of spaces within brackets or a lack of a forward slash someplace.
At the moment, I’m experiencing frustration with looking and looking at my profile page and not immediately “getting” why I can’t “prettify” it the way I want.
Is there someplace on the Internet that I can go in order to be able to use the source code Viki likes and see the visual result next to it . . . and then (when I have things looking the way I want) take all of it and pop it into the Viki online editor?