Bottom List Dramas

Have another one to avoid like the plague it’s a TW drama Boysitter started off really promising then went to hell in a handbasket unless anyone want to see first hand what an unhealthy abusive relationship looks like painted to be love… totally disgusted in where they went with this story-line and the portrayal of women in the drama leaves one wondering what medieval cave this team crawled out of to think in today’s society we would find these types of characters funny and acceptable…

Everyone like them)

Would I be wrong to think you may believe it does belong here now? I dropped in today as it’s 4 episodes to the end and was curious to see if the writer had redeemed himself. I don’t remember a drama ever having so many negative critical comments.

About Boys Over Flowers, I really loved it. At some parts I felt so miserable that I could had cut my wrists. But that’s what I liked about it, the emotional rollercoaster. It moved me deeply, but the ending would had been more kick@ss, it was too light in comparison to the whole show.

Drama(s) that is (are) irredeemable: (this post includes SPOILERS)
Rosy lovers (that’s all I can come up with for the shows I’ve watched)

Plot: cyclical
Details: literally the same sh*t (for a lack of a better word) happens again and again. There were no story lines worth pursuing.
Characters: to say most characters had just 1 dimension would be giving the writers/producers too much credit.
Details: no maturation of any character at any point until the very end at episode 51 or 52 (last episode)
Worst moments: One of the characters repeatedly abuses a spouse & at the time there is cheerful music playing.

Alternative if you like that sort of plot line but want a little humour and a much shorter/concise storytelling: Wonderful Life

Oh yes this was a big disappointment I agree.

I don’t think I’d give it the chance I did since the beginning had I had to watch ads. damn you sunk cost fallacy. A fellow drama watcher told me they didn’t start the series because the main characters were already together at the very beginning. I’ve implemented that criteria.

The one´s where i want to yell at the ( sadly most are female ) main-actress, to get a backbone.
I just can´t stand it sometimes and wanna reach in the screen and shake them and ask them if they
don´t value their lives.
I can understand a naive character do to youth and inexperience, but every human-being has at least a tiny bit of an survival instinct and not using it is just plain stupid, that´s when I wanna shake them.
Maybe it´s just me, but I don´t understand that just saying I´m sorry can fix everything, even decades of abuse, seeing that make´s me wanna question sanity sometimes. :slight_smile:

For me it’s “The Heirs”, “City Hunter” or/and “She’s So Lovable”. By seeing that we may thought that I have a problem with Lee Min Ho and Krystal ^^

I agree with your list but could dd 10 more. Just hope the writers are not depicting Korean women as stupid doormats to Fathers, brothers, husbands and sons as a truth.

Another one which I don’t think is on Viki, is Unemployed Couple. I didn’t finish it, but plan to even though I don’t like it. I wanted to watch because of Namgung Min, he was so good in Sensory Couple, but I just don’t really care for the female lead. I will say it was very slow for me.

I liked Beautiful Man but it was missing some elements. The romance didn’t really hit until the very end and I had serious second male lead syndrome in it, too.

City Hunter : I was really disapointed ! I’m a big fan of the manga/anime City Hunter. So I quickly understood that it will be not the same. The hero is famous for one thing : gun and they didn’t use it for the drama >_< And if I like Park Min Young (in SS and Healer), she was really not good in bodyguard.

For She’s So Lovable, I really liked the couple L and Krystal and really didn’t understand why they chose Rain and Krystal… he would have been a daddy long leg more than a lover for me. Krystal is pretty girl and this drama she was very cold and with those clothes she didn’t show herself to advantage.

For me, Heirs was fun. I totally understand why you didn’t like it, but it’s like a forbidden pleasure :stuck_out_tongue:

Kpop Survival or Kpop Ultimate was horrible.

Flower Boy Ramen Shop

I still have 2 episodes to go on Blood, It is not bottom list for me but its not on the top either. It just really became slow for me. It is a shame because the actors in it are all good. I keep saying I will go back to finish it but have not done it yet.

It was one of my first dramas and I liked it but at that time I didn’t really have anything to compare it to. I did like the actors in Heir that have done current things like Emergency Couple.

I never finished it. It got uglier and uglier. Might have to go back to finish it but I don’t know…

marry him if you dare is so bad i couldn’t finish it.
tomorrow cantabile has also one of the worst actresses and joo won is a waste in these 2 dramas
seventh grade civil servant the girl is so unbearable and her voice makes me clench my teeth and the theme is silly
as for heirs although the theme is superficial it was well developed and the actors did a good job
heartstrings is also very silly with no knot nor important events
to the beautiful you is so so

I have to say the dramas with Lee Min Ho, like Heirs and Boys Over Flowers. I couldn’t get past the first few episodes. If you’ve seen Hana Yori Dango, BOF was a real let-down.

Hyde Jekyll was bad too. It was such a bummer compared to Kill me Heal Me.

I enjoyed Scholar who walks the Night at first, but the plot was a train wreck. Such a shame because it had fantastic actors.

Still not sure what the hype about Healer was about. The main female character was too weak for me.